floooh / oryol

A small, portable and extensible C++ 3D coding framework
MIT License
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Any plans for scripting support? #82

Open amerkoleci opened 9 years ago

amerkoleci commented 9 years ago

Do you plan to add scripting language support, Lua or Mozilla Spidermonkey with Javascript support?

floooh commented 9 years ago

No plans yet, but from general experience:

marynate commented 9 years ago

hi, floooh, since we're on scripting topic, I wonder what's your opinion on script hot reloading support? e.g. deploy to device once, and monitor/hot reload changed scripts (from local storage or via network) while prototyping game play

When prototyping games for mobile (especially iOS), the build->deployment cycle is simply too long for fast iteration.

floooh commented 9 years ago

Yes that sounds like a good idea, I'm personally a bit of a sceptic of gameplay scripting, but having a robust and extensible scripting layer is definitely a good thing, it would also make the engine useful for people who are not fluent in C++... Near term I'm more interested in a runtime inspection and editing system, but this and a scripting system have the same core I think... where modules can register reflection information which can be used to either attach a runtime inspection UI or a scripting language...

I'm currently not sure how much of this should be 'static' code generation during the build process, and how much should be done through a 'dynamic' reflection layer at runtime (priority should be first to keep the client small, and second performance overhead)

Usage scenarios could be:

Most important to me is that the 'base' of exposing interfaces/classes/variables to the reflection module doesn't add much programming overhead or impose code design restrictions, and that all of this can be compiled out with compiling switches (so the engine design should always remain independent from scriptability).

pjako commented 9 years ago

I think wren (http://munificent.github.io/wren/) and duktape (http://duktape.org/) should be considered aswell.

RobertoMalatesta commented 8 years ago

+1 for Duktape,

since not only it runs Typescript transpiled Javascript but it now seems to be robust enough to run the tsc compiler as well.

IMHO, Typescript is the way to go in terms of scripting. I've been using it on rather large projects (>20k lines): it's really productive and enjoyable.

Just my 2c,


pixelpicosean commented 8 years ago

Ducktape +1, using JavaScript also makes it possible to run the scripts without a VM while targeting emscripten or asm.js.

JaredSartin commented 8 years ago

I would greatly enjoy Lua... If scripting support is still considered. I may even try to bind to it myself with Sol.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Wren has some interesting performance tricks.