floooh / sokol

minimal cross-platform standalone C headers
zlib License
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render to existing window handle #1051

Closed morganholly closed 1 month ago

morganholly commented 1 month ago

is there any way to render to an existing window handle? i would like to use sokol in an audio plugin library (and i know of another considering the same), and the normal way to do things is rendering to a window created by the software hosting the plugin. it would be very nice to have an easy way to get sokol going on an existing window handle. if there isn't a nice abstracted way to do this, do you have any suggestions on where in the (i presume sokol-gfx) code to look for each platform so i can set it up myself?

floooh commented 1 month ago

For D3D11/DXGI you can look at this minimal window system glue setup:


Basically start after the CreateWindowExW() call.

Here's the similar code for Metal+MTKView:


I don't have a similar simple example for GL, since those use GLFW:


That part is otherwise taken care of by the the sokol_app.h header, and may be a bit more robust:

morganholly commented 1 month ago

mac and windows is higher priority than linux so if i can't get linux support soon that wouldn't be the worst thing. thank you very much for this