floooh / sokol

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Towards a unified sg_begin_pass() #904

Closed floooh closed 4 months ago

floooh commented 10 months ago

Baking the discussion in https://github.com/floooh/sokol/pull/899 into a ticket:

The only difference between a 'default pass' and a 'pass' is that a default pass renders into an externally provided set of surfaces (a swapchain surface that's actually displayed, optionally an MSAA surface that's resolved into the swapchain surface, and also optionally a depth-stencil surface - these surfaces need to 'match' each other, all must have the same width and height, and the display surface and msaa surface must have the same pixel format).

Using a single sg_begin_pass() that works both for regular offscreen rendering, and for a pass that renders into an externally provided swapchain surface has the advantage that this is more flexible for situations where people want to render into multiple views/windows.


There needs to be a convenience helper function in sokol_glue.h similar to sapp_sgcontext() which provides the external swapchain info struct filled in from sokol_app.h.

Further things to consider:

danielchasehooper commented 6 months ago

FWIW, this might be an opportunity to consider renaming things a bit so the concept of render destination and concept of series of commands have distinct names (instead of both being called pass). Off the top of my head, a render destination could be called a sg_target or sg_destination while sg_begin_pass could continue to be used to wrap a series of commands.

floooh commented 6 months ago

Hmm, usually those things are called render pass in APIs which encapsulate render pass state as objects (e.g. https://registry.khronos.org/vulkan/specs/1.3-extensions/man/html/vkCreateRenderPass.html), and VkRenderPassCreateInfo is roughly the equivalent to sg_pass_desc: https://registry.khronos.org/vulkan/specs/1.3-extensions/man/html/VkRenderPassCreateInfo.html

An option which I keep rolling around in my head (and also mentioned in the OP of this issue) is to get rid of baked pass objects alltogether, in all other 3D APIs except Vulkan (and only up to 1.2 I think?), passes are 'transient' objects, sometimes not even directly exposed to the API user (only indirectly via 'render pass encoders'). But in some of the backends there's potentially expensive stuff happening in _sg_*create_pass which then may need to move into _sg_begin_pass (at least the framebuffer setup in GL, for D3D11 the RTV creation could move into _sg_d3d11_create_image.

I will need to tinker around with this a bit.

floooh commented 4 months ago

This is now implemented (https://github.com/floooh/sokol/pull/985)