floooh / sokol

minimal cross-platform standalone C headers
zlib License
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Something wrong with WebGPU #920

Closed ryuukk closed 9 months ago

ryuukk commented 9 months ago





WebGPU is darker

floooh commented 9 months ago

What device, platform and browser is this?

floooh commented 9 months ago

Wait! I can reproduce on Chrome macOS, why didn't I notice this before?

floooh commented 9 months ago

Might be some sort of SRGBA problem, the texcube sample which uses fully saturated colors looks identical.

I'll investigate. It must be a somewhat recent regression, otherwise I would have noticed it during development.

floooh commented 9 months ago

Ah silly me:


I remember that I added the SRGB format sort of last minute before merging. I should be more careful. Fix incoming

floooh commented 9 months ago

Ok fixed, webpage will be updated when this CI job finishes: https://github.com/floooh/sokol-samples/actions/runs/6611073889

Thanks for the bug report!