floooh / sokol

minimal cross-platform standalone C headers
zlib License
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Fix strict-prototype warnings. #970

Closed waywardmonkeys closed 5 months ago

waywardmonkeys commented 5 months ago

Need to specify (void) as the empty arg list in C rather than just ().

floooh commented 5 months ago


The Emscripten CI problem is unrelated (looks like the latest Emscripten SDK has some breaking changes in the WebGPU APIs).

waywardmonkeys commented 5 months ago


The Emscripten CI problem is unrelated (looks like the latest Emscripten SDK has some breaking changes in the WebGPU APIs).

Maybe I'll take a look at fixing that ... tomorrow perhaps since it is almost 11pm here now on Saturday. :)

floooh commented 5 months ago

Don't worry, I'll look into it now. Have a good night :)

floooh commented 5 months ago

Ok, I have -Wstrict-prototypes enabled now for the Clang and GCC C builds in the CI tests. Thanks for making me aware of the issue :)