floooh / v6502r

visual6502 remixed
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Add processor overlay display #13

Open verhovsky opened 1 year ago

verhovsky commented 1 year ago

A "?" icon in one of the corners, that when you mouse over it, it makes the processor a bit dimmer and overlays boxes around the different logical parts of it, like in the diagram on this page


or more detailed like the diagram on this page


Like this:

Screenshot 2023-04-13 at 2 02 58 PM
verhovsky commented 1 year ago

In a similar vein, mousing over a register in the dropdown "MOS 6502" menu, should highlight just that register and ideally show where specifically each bit of the register is and its value. So if I highlight the Y register it would show something like

Screenshot 2023-04-13 at 2 21 19 PM