flopp / GpxTrackPoster

Create a visually appealing poster from your GPX tracks
MIT License
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github colors #68

Open yeKcim opened 4 years ago

yeKcim commented 4 years ago

create_poster --gpx-dir "gpx/" --track-color '#5599ff' --track-color2 '#ffd732' --output "/tmp/GPXPOSTER.svg" --title 2019-2020 --athlete Bob --type github --language fr_FR --year 2019-2020 --circular-rings; done;

Colors are not used in github. I use these colors for heatmap and circular. As you can see, there is too much yellow in github:

GPXPOSTER heatmap+circular 2019-2020_90dpi

(by the way, thanks a lot for gpxtrackposter ♥)

yihong0618 commented 4 years ago

@yeKcim Yes, when I added the type github I changed the logic, the github color is based on distance~ like github profile color based on the number of commits.

like e.g.

create_poster --type github --gpx-dir "my-tracks" --language "de" --title "Running" \
    --athlete "Florian Pigorsch" --special-distance 10 --special-distance2 10 --special-color yellow --special-color2 red