flopp999 / NordPoolSpotPrice-Domoticz

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not loading other areas than SE-DK like areas #1

Closed AlexdeHaas closed 1 year ago

AlexdeHaas commented 1 year ago

I got the plugin installed, but experianced a couple of issues: 1) I can't get the Area "NL" and other not scandinavian areas to load any spotprice data 2) currency is always kronor 3) can't relate the loaded data for e.g. SE1 with the nordpool web market data results (https://www.nordpoolgroup.com/en/Market-data1/Dayahead/Area-Prices/ALL1/Hourly/?view=table)

flopp999 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for letting me know. I also cannot get NL to work. I will check it now

flopp999 commented 1 year ago

I have now fixed it. Download version 0.24 and it shoudl work. Please update me how the result was

AlexdeHaas commented 1 year ago

Thanks Flop999, i got it working now with the 0.24, you rock!! I verified the NL prices with the hourly prices i get from my energy supplier and it matches. i can not work on my home setup and try to do some smart switching based on the prices. Thank you very much! Im going to by you a coffee.

flopp999 commented 1 year ago

Great that you got it working. Thanks for the coffee