floraison / fugit

time tools (cron, parsing, durations, ...) for Ruby, rufus-scheduler, and flor
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"at 12:00 PM" gives the wrong crontab pattern #57

Closed shqear93 closed 3 years ago

shqear93 commented 3 years ago

Issue description

When I parse the string "at 12:00 PM", the result is "0 24 *" which is wrong

How to reproduce

require 'fugit'
c = Fugit.parse('at 12:00 PM')
p c.original # "0 24 * * *"

Expected behaviour

It should return "0 12 *"


Please replace the content of this section with the output of the following commands:

Darwin Khaleds-MBP 20.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 20.5.0: Sat May  8 05:10:33 PDT 2021; root:xnu-7195.121.3~9/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
ruby 2.7.1p83 (2020-03-31 revision a0c7c23c9c) [x86_64-darwin20]
[:env_tz, nil]
(secs:1623078834.395216,utc~:"2021-06-07 15:13:54.3952159881591797",ltz~:"EEST")
(etz:nil,tnz:"EEST",tziv:"1.2.9",tzidv:nil,rv:"2.7.1",rp:"x86_64-darwin20",win:false,rorv:nil,astz:nil,eov:"1.2.4",eotnz:#<TZInfo::TimezoneProxy: Asia/Amman>,eotnfz:"+0300",eotlzn:"Asia/Amman",eotnfZ:"EEST",debian:nil,centos:nil,osx:"zoneinfo/Asia/Amman")
jmettraux commented 3 years ago

@shqear93 Thank you very much for reporting that!

I will release 1.5.0 soon.