floraison / fugit

time tools (cron, parsing, durations, ...) for Ruby, rufus-scheduler, and flor
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Examples in Readme don't work: undefined method 'next' for Fugit::Cron #94

Closed pboling closed 4 months ago

pboling commented 4 months ago

Issue description

next isn't defined on Fugit::Cron instance.

How to reproduce

The simplest piece of code that reproduces the issue, for example:

require 'fugit'
c = Fugit.parse_cron('0 12 * * mon#2')
c.next(Time.parse('2024-02-16 12:00:00'))

Error and error backtrace (if any)

(irb):19:in `<main>': undefined method `next' for #<Fugit::Cron:0x0000000113b59078 @original="0 12 * * mon#2", @cron_s=nil, @day_and=nil, @seconds=[0], @minutes=[0], @hours=[12], @monthdays=nil, @months=nil, @weekdays=[[1, 2]], @zone=nil, @timezone=nil> (NoMethodError)

Expected behaviour

require 'fugit'
c = Fugit.parse_cron('0 12 * * mon#2')
c.next(Time.parse('2024-02-16 12:00:00'))
    # => [ '2024-03-11 12:00:00',
    #      '2024-04-08 12:00:00',
    #      '2024-05-13 12:00:00' ]

I was expecting to continue on and get the result demonstrated in the readme, but that gives the exact same error.


❯ uname -a
Darwin mb-pboling.home 23.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 23.3.0: Wed Dec 20 21:33:31 PST 2023; root:xnu-10002.81.5~7/RELEASE_ARM64_T8112 arm64

❯ bundle exec ruby -v
ruby 3.2.2 (2023-03-30 revision e51014f9c0) [arm64-darwin22]

❯ bundle exec ruby -e "p [ :env_tz, ENV['TZ'] ]"
[:env_tz, nil]

❯ bundle exec ruby -r et-orbi -e "EtOrbi._make_info"
(secs:1709826544.345191,utc~:"2024-03-07 15:49:04.34519100189208984",ltz~:"MST")
(etz:nil,tnz:"MST",tziv:"2.0.6",tzidv:nil,rv:"3.2.2",rp:"arm64-darwin22",win:false,rorv:nil,astz:nil,eov:"1.2.7",eotnz:#<TZInfo::TimezoneProxy: America/Boise>,eotnfz:"-0700",eotlzn:"America/Boise",eotnfZ:"MST",debian:nil,centos:nil,osx:"zoneinfo/America/Denver")

❯ bundle exec ruby -r fugit -e "p [ :fugit, Fugit::VERSION ]"
[:fugit, "1.9.0"]

❯ bundle exec ruby -e "p [ :now, Time.now, :zone, Time.now.zone ]"
[:now, 2024-03-07 08:49:27.574976 -0700, :zone, "MST"]
jmettraux commented 4 months ago
