I am using a flora on omentpp for LoRa communication. The problem I'm facing here like i want to a pass message to the cloud server from two different loRa gateways through single gwrouter. When i established a connection between these nodes by using Eth1G the communication is successfully done from one LoRa gateway and failed from second LoRa gateway. But second LoRa gateway is receiving the message from the different LoRa nodes, however it failed to sent the message to the gwrouter. The code I'm using for establishing a LoRa communication from LoRa nodes to the cloud.
Currently there is no direct support for communication between LoRa gateways. At least we haven't tested such scenarios. You will need to make changes in the LoRaGWMac to support such messaging.
I am using a flora on omentpp for LoRa communication. The problem I'm facing here like i want to a pass message to the cloud server from two different loRa gateways through single gwrouter. When i established a connection between these nodes by using Eth1G the communication is successfully done from one LoRa gateway and failed from second LoRa gateway. But second LoRa gateway is receiving the message from the different LoRa nodes, however it failed to sent the message to the gwrouter. The code I'm using for establishing a LoRa communication from LoRa nodes to the cloud.
package loranetwork.simulations;
import inet.applications.udpapp.UDPBasicApp; import inet.node.inet.Router; import inet.node.internetcloud.InternetCloud; import loranetwork.LoRaPhy.LoRaMedium; import loranetwork.LoraNode.LoRaNode; import loranetwork.LoraNode.LoRaMeshNode; import loranetwork.LoraNode.LoRaGW; import inet.node.inet.StandardHost; import inet.networklayer.configurator.ipv4.IPv4NetworkConfigurator; import inet.node.ethernet.Eth1G;
@license(LGPL); network LoRaNetworkTest { parameters: int numberOfNodes = default(1); int numberOfGateways = default(2); int networkSizeX = default(500); int networkSizeY = default(500); @display("bgb=355.824,356.832"); submodules: loRaNodes[5]: LoRaNode { @display("p=83.664,233.856"); } loRaGW[2]: LoRaGW { @display("p=83.664,150.192;is=s"); } LoRaMedium: LoRaMedium { @display("p=167.328,88.704"); } networkServer: StandardHost { parameters: @display("p=208.24002,27.216002"); } configurator: IPv4NetworkConfigurator { parameters: assignDisjunctSubnetAddresses = false; @display("p=207.64801,88.704"); } internetCloud: InternetCloud { @display("p=83.664,27.216002"); } gwRouter[2]: Router { @display("p=24.192001,27.216002"); } nsRouter: Router { @display("p=138.09601,27.216002"); } connections: networkServer.ethg++ <--> Eth1G <--> nsRouter.ethg++; nsRouter.pppg++ <--> Eth1G <--> internetCloud.pppg++; for i=0..numberOfGateways-2 { internetCloud.pppg++ <--> Eth1G <--> gwRouter[i].pppg++; gwRouter[i].ethg++ <--> Eth1G <--> loRaGW[i].ethg++; } }