flore2003 / staythefuckhome

The #StayTheFuckHome Website
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Free/gratis culture and entertainment? #27

Open forteller opened 4 years ago

forteller commented 4 years ago

Hi. Great site!

I've been thinking of making a list of (places to get) free* culture and entertainment, and when I saw this website I thought maybe the list should live here?

As @rednaks says in #24 we need to consider peoples mental health.

What do you think?

Here's some of the things I've been thinking of:

Repositories of free culture:

Specific recommendations:

I know everyone easily can find free entertainment everywhere online, but it might be worth pointing out some great stuff still?

borfast commented 4 years ago

Even more so than in #24, I think this deviates a little too much from the website's focus, which is, I believe, to convince people to stay home. Sure, it would be nice to have some suggestions of stuff people can do but convincing people to stay home is so, so much more important than anything else right now, that I believe it's not in our (humans) interest to deviate in the slightest from that message.

forteller commented 4 years ago

It's a million times easier to actually stay home if you have something to do at home is my point. I don't want it on the front page, but a subpage linked to from the front. But just my 2 cents :)

borfast commented 4 years ago

Fair enough. Having separate pages with more information might be a good idea.