flore2003 / staythefuckhome

The #StayTheFuckHome Website
400 stars 104 forks source link

Feature/SFW meta tags #81

Open sailing opened 4 years ago

sailing commented 4 years ago

Check if the site is a SFW version. If it is, set URL-oriented metatags to a SFW URL (https://staythebeephome.com). That URL will automatically redirect to /sfw/.

I'm not sure how it'll handle links to other languages – the lang nav links are paths, but will the host force a hard redirect back to /sfw/?

I don't want to be invasive here, so if people landing on staythebeephome.com can't access other languages without changing all the urls or messing with DNS, then we can roll this back and people can just deal with an URL with "fuck" in it. 😄