florent37 / Flutter-AssetsAudioPlayer

Play simultaneously music/audio from assets/network/file directly from Flutter, compatible with android / ios / web / macos, displays notifications
Apache License 2.0
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[ New Feature ] Custom notif Android/ios #243

Open florent37 opened 4 years ago

florent37 commented 4 years ago

Same interractions on Android & ios :

settings: NotificationSettings.multiplatform(
  prev: NotificationActionsPrev.prev(),
  playPause: null, //to disable it
  next: NotificationActionsNext.next(
      customAction: (player) {
  stop: NotificationActions.stop(),
florent37 commented 4 years ago

Custom notif on platforms

settings: NotificationSettings.perPlatform(
    android: AndroidNotification(

        // because you can have up to 4 actions

        action1: NotificationActionsPrev.prev()
        action2:  NotificationActions.playPause(),
        action3:  NotificationActionsNext.next(),
        action4:  NotificationActions.stop(),
    ios: iOSNotification(
          prev: NotificationActionsPrev.prev()
          playPause: null, //to disable it
          next: NotificationActionsNext.next(),
          stop: NotificationActions.stop(),
florent37 commented 4 years ago

Custom notif on platforms

settings: NotificationSettings.perPlatform(
    android: AndroidNotification(
        action1: NotificationActions.playPause(
              customAction: (player) {
    ios: iOSNotification(
          playPause: NotificationActions.playPause(
                  customAction: (player) {
florent37 commented 4 years ago

Custom action & custom icon Android

eg: custom icon (heart)

settings: NotificationSettings.perPlatform(
    android: AndroidNotification(

        action1:  NotificationActions.custom(
          iconBuilder: (player, currentAudio) {
              return AndroidDrawable("ic_fav_full");
            } else {
              return AndroidDrawable("ic_fav_empty");
          customAction: (player, currentAudio, notification) {
            notification.updateIcon(); //will call iconBuilder

florent37 commented 4 years ago

seek instead of prev action

(on android, I need to find how to handle the icon)

settings: NotificationSettings.perPlatform(
    android: AndroidNotification(
        //eg: seek in place of prev
        action1:  NotificationActionsPrev.seek(by: Duration(seconds: 10)),

    ios: iOSNotification(
          //eg: seek in place of prev
          prev: NotificationActionsPrev.seek(by: Duration(seconds: 10)),
chevalierv commented 4 years ago

I don't know if you already find out this sample code by Apple but I think I could be helping for this issue: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/mediaplayer/becoming_a_now_playable_app

It list all command possible with a control center as a sample app for iPhone. Really useful to test and see what's possible and what's not

florent37 commented 4 years ago



case pause, play, stop, togglePausePlay
case nextTrack, previousTrack, changeRepeatMode, changeShuffleMode
case changePlaybackRate, seekBackward, seekForward, skipBackward, skipForward, changePlaybackPosition
case rating, like, dislike
case bookmark
case enableLanguageOption, disableLanguageOption
florent37 commented 4 years ago


For seek :

import MediaPlayer

let rcc = MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared()

let skipBackwardCommand = rcc.skipBackwardCommand
skipBackwardCommand.isEnabled = true
skipBackwardCommand.addTarget(handler: skipBackward)
skipBackwardCommand.preferredIntervals = [42]

let skipForwardCommand = rcc.skipForwardCommand
skipForwardCommand.isEnabled = true
skipForwardCommand.addTarget(handler: skipForward)
skipForwardCommand.preferredIntervals = [42]

func skipBackward(_ event: MPRemoteCommandEvent) -> MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus {
    guard let command = event.command as? MPSkipIntervalCommand else {
        return .noSuchContent

    let interval = command.preferredIntervals[0]

    print(interval) //Output: 42

    return .success

func skipForward(_ event: MPRemoteCommandEvent) -> MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus {
    guard let command = event.command as? MPSkipIntervalCommand else {
        return .noSuchContent

    let interval = command.preferredIntervals[0]

    print(interval) //Output: 42

    return .success
colinricardo commented 3 years ago

was this merged?

swifthing commented 2 years ago

was this merged?

same question, it would be awesome to custom iOS notifications :)

tudosxxx commented 10 months ago

The latest version still doesn’t work.