florent37 / Flutter-AssetsAudioPlayer

Play simultaneously music/audio from assets/network/file directly from Flutter, compatible with android / ios / web / macos, displays notifications
Apache License 2.0
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Missing Now Playing Card on Android TV #806

Closed Sekru closed 8 months ago

Sekru commented 9 months ago

Flutter Version


Lib Version


Platform (Android / iOS / web) + version

Android TV

Describe the bug

I'm trying to develop small radio app. Sometings is missing or wrong because there is no Now Playing Card on Android TV when someone press Home button. When I'm trying to publish my app, also I'm getting error from Google about missing Now Playing Card. I'm not sure if this feature is implemented or something is wrong with my code. My code is very simple. Did I miss something?

Small code to reproduce

await PlayerService.instance.assetsAudioPlayer.open(
      notificationSettings: NotificationSettings(
          playPauseEnabled: true,
          nextEnabled: false,
          prevEnabled: false,
          stopEnabled: true,
          seekBarEnabled: false,
          customStopAction: (p) {
            // custom action
          metas: Metas(
              artist: station?.image!.title,
              title: station?.title,
              image: station?.image?.src != null ? MetasImage.network(station!.image!.src!) : const MetasImage.asset('images/deafult_avatar.png'))),
      showNotification: true,
      playInBackground: PlayInBackground.enabled,
      volume: PlayerService.instance.assetsAudioPlayer.volume.value,
Sekru commented 8 months ago

After I removed property notificationSettings it starts showing