florent37 / Flutter-AssetsAudioPlayer

Play simultaneously music/audio from assets/network/file directly from Flutter, compatible with android / ios / web / macos, displays notifications
Apache License 2.0
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Add permission for service needed by latest Android versions #821

Closed vbuberen closed 4 months ago

vbuberen commented 4 months ago

Adding foreground service type as it is required now in Android 14: https://developer.android.com/about/versions/14/changes/fgs-types-required#use-cases Had to bump compileSDK to use the new permission in the AndroidManifest.

Additionally bumped version for Gradle plugin and Gradle wrapper to be on par with other plugins, like Flutterfire that already moved to AGP 8 completely.

Finally, this PR also closes https://github.com/florent37/Flutter-AssetsAudioPlayer/issues/814 and allows users to use the plugin in projects with AGP 8. However, due to how old some dependencies in the example app I couldn't move it to AGP 8, so only plugin uses it now.

akarapetsas commented 4 months ago

@kalismeras61 could you please make a release with this fix when possible? Thanks in advance :)

akarapetsas commented 3 months ago

Any chance with the release @kalismeras61 ?