florentianayuwono / DigitalIT

Empowering small business owners to digitalize their businesses
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Ambiguous digitalized button #62

Open florentianayuwono opened 2 years ago

florentianayuwono commented 2 years ago

Based on user testing that said the button is a bit ambiguous since it does not redirect to any page.

I guess I will make it a default red or green color and nonclickable, so that user know that it is meant to be showing status of digitalization only.

florentianayuwono commented 2 years ago

@KamiliArsyad I need your help in this. So I think I decided to make it a popover instead. Like if you click the button it will have a little textbox popup that explain more about the digitalization. But then it seems that I cannot enable the popup to work. I noticed that for this page we kind of still use Bootstrap (?) so I choose to work the Bootstrap way.

First I have added the popper script (since for popover the kind of relying on popper.


Then I have also added this code inside the script:

  const popoverTriggerList = document.querySelectorAll('[data-bs-toggle="popover"]')
  const popoverList = [...popoverTriggerList].map(popoverTriggerEl => new bootstrap.Popover(popoverTriggerEl))

And then finally for the button it will look something like this for the code:

              ? "btn btn-success"
              : "btn btn-danger"
          data-bs-title="Digitalization status"
              ? "Congrats! You are digitalized!"
              : "First next big step: digitalize your business!"
          {business.has_digitalized ? "Digitalized" : "Not Digitalized"}

But somehow still cannot? I have followed the Bootstrap documentation and watch the tutorial, but it still cannot functions so I am wondering if there is some conflict? FYI I do this inside the new-features branch.

KamiliArsyad commented 2 years ago

I am not sure about Bootstrap, but shouldn't the button be wrapped inside an OverlayTrigger component? Also the button should be Bootstrap's button imported from react-bootstrap and not the default html button. Btw are you sure the tutorial you're following is a React JS tutorial? Some syntaxes don't seem very familiar to me

KamiliArsyad commented 2 years ago

side note btw: Chakra's popover is far easier to code and it's only like a 3 minute code