floresfdev / instagram-r-scraper

Instagram scraper in R using a third-party Java lib.
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Help with Scraper.R #2

Open atnplab opened 4 years ago

atnplab commented 4 years ago

I am trying to run the code scraper.R chunk by chunk and I came across this error and cannot proceed any further

Error in is.jnull(j_instagram) : object "j_instagram" not found

No errors from rJava library or JVM Any suggestions? Many thanks

floresfdev commented 4 years ago

Hi @atnplab , thanks for reporting this.

It seems the Java object can't be instantiated (see line 39). For your debugging please try to run that line without the tryCatch() to see what's the actual result.

On the other hand please consider that this code is ~3 years old, I'm not entirely sure this is still working with the latest lib stack and the current Instagram version. I'd recommend to take a look at the original Java scrapper or the PHP version.