florian-sander / stats.mod

stats.mod is a module which equips your eggdrop with the ability to create various statistics about your channels.
9 stars 5 forks source link

Add include for errno to avoid compilation error #10

Closed kyak closed 3 years ago

kyak commented 7 years ago

errno is used in livestats.c

mascalzone commented 4 years ago

Configuring module 'compress'. configure: loading cache ../../../config.cache configure: error: CFLAGS' was not set in the previous run configure: error: in/home/aktarus/eggdrop2/eggdrop16/src/mod/compress.mod': configure: error: changes in the environment can compromise the build configure: error: run make distclean' and/orrm ../../../config.cache' and start over

puoi aiutarmi?

florian-sander commented 3 years ago

I hope "better late then never" still counts? :)

Thanks for the bugfix!

mascalzone commented 3 years ago

hi: I have installed statsmod 1.4 on eggdrop 1.8 and I was able to install it. During setup I had to comment loadstatsskin classic and debug. It was the only way to get the bot running without errors.

set stats-template-dir "./templates/stats"
set stats-language-dir "./language"

#loadstatsskin templates/stats/classic/classic.skin
#loadstatsskin templates/stats/classic/debug.skin

set default-slang "eng"
set default-skin "classic"

placed below my stats.conf file in case you did something wrong. given that when I connect to the web address of the page a completely blank page comes out with the inscription:

Request Time-out

Your browser didn't send enough information to process the request within 5 seconds.

###   General Settings

# the file where the data is stored
# WARNING: Always set this var _before_ the module is loaded, or it won't
# find your stats.
set statsfile "statsmod.dat"

# load the module itself
loadmodule stats

# save data every x minutes
set save-stats 15

# add new users to the database if they stay more than x minutes 
# in the channel
# >0: enabled
#  0: don't add new users, but recheck every minute if a user idented himself
# -1: don't add new users and don't recheck every minute. If someone idents
#     him/herself, he/she must cycle the chan to be recognized. (lowest CPU usage)
set autoadd 5

# minimum number of lines that a user must have spoken before he/she gets
# autoadded (you don't want "dead" users in your database, do you?)
set autoadd-min-lines 5

set expire-base 7

set expire-factor 25

# delete users that have been added by the module if they haven't been seen
# for more than x days
#set expire-users 30

# if the user has a password set, delay the expiration for another x days
#set expire-delay 30

# log wordstats (most used words) (this stats are resetted daily)
# NOTE: This is very cpu- and memory consuming, so don't
# turn this on if you're worried about memory or cpu usage
set log-wordstats 1

# minimum length of a word to be logged
# (0 is best to get exact results)
set min-word-length 0

# display how many random URLs in the misc stats?
# (setting this to 0 also disables the logging of URLs
# and can therefore lower your cpu-usage)
set display-urls 5

# display how many random kicks in the misc stats?
set display-kicks 5

# when logging kicks, also save the last x lines of activity in the chan
set kick-context 5

# log every Xth quote
# If this value is lower, then the random quotes will be more random,
# but the memory usage will also increase.
set quote-frequency 5

###   languages

# reset old slangs before we load the new ones...
# resetslang

# load the default language
loadstatslang "en" "English" language/stats.en.lang

##  load additional languages
loadstatslang "de" "Deutsch" language/stats.de.lang

## assign a language to a channel
setchanslang #xwp "de"

###   public commands

# the char that marks public commands (!top10, etc...)
# "" is a valid option
set cmdchar "!"

# don't answer more than x commands in y seconds
set max-stat-cmds 5:60

# information that the !stat reply will contain
set stat-reply "words letters smileys minutes"

###   HTML settings

# list the top x users
set topnr 30

# table-color and fade-table-color are hex numbers which represent a rgb color.
# If you do not know how to use this format, either use the default or ask
# someone who knows it. (it's the HTML-standard-format)

# the background color of your table
set table-color 0x3850B8

# fade table color to another color
set fade-table-to 0x000000

# border width of the table (0 == no border, which is probably the best)
set table-border 0

# The following two settings only affect the display of the stats. The bot will
# still log and save everything, no matter if it's displayed or not.
# Please don't use "slangified" types! For example, use always "idle" instead of
# "idle-factor" or whatever you defined in the langfiles.

# which stats should be shown?
set topstats "words lines wpl actions smileys kicks modes topics idle minutes"

# and which stats should be mentioned in the graphical output?
set graphstats "words lines actions smileys kicks modes topics minutes"

# mention the top x users in the graphical stats.
set graphnr 10

# which colour should the bars have?
set graphcolor "blue"

# display the average number of users in the chan?
set display-average-users 1

# display the users which are currently on channel in /chan/onchan/ ?
set show-usersonchan 1

# display a list of all users in /chan/users/ ?
set show-userlist 1

# display channels, which are +secret on the livestats index?
set list-secret-chans 1

# Since the stats.mod webserver can't serve binary data like images,
# they must be stored on an external webserver. The following setting
# defines the full URL to your webspace where you uploaded all needed
# images to.
# WARNING: You definitely should change this default setting and use your
# own webspace. I will move images on my server whenever I feel like it, so
# your stat-pages might get broken pretty fast.
#set binary-url "http://www.visions-of-fantasy.de/stats.mod/bin/"

## Livestat settings

# listen on which port for livestat connection?
# (to disable, either comment this out or use "off" or 0 as value)
# (if you use the default, you can access the stats at
#  http://your.shell.com:8033/ )
livestats 8083

# By default, livestats listens on every available vhost for incoming
# connection. If you want to limit livestats to one vhost, then enter
# its IP(_not_ the host) below
set livestats-ip ""

# log access to livestats to a logfile? (set to "" to turn off)
set livestats-log "livestats.log"

# the log-level where you can monitor access to livestats on your console
# (use .console +1 to activate it)
set livestats-loglevel "1"

# don't serve more than x livestats pages in y seconds (to prevent flooding)
set max-livestats-access 5:10

## only for the frequently updated webfiles
## this feature is outdated, don't use it unless you really need it

# update webfiles every x minutes
# (set this to 0 to disable)
# (this is now disabled by default, use livestats instead!)
set webupdate 1

# directory where the files will be written to
# don't use your standard webdir here, since index.html will be
# overwritten and a lot of subdirs will be created
set webdir "../public_html/stats"

###   other (rather unimportant) settings

## stats.mod saves new users in an internal database by default
## for compatibility reasons, the old way of using the eggdrop
## user file is still available, but I strongly recommend to let
## it turned off!
#set use-eggdrop-userfile 0
## don't add new hosts to users with the following flags
## (only works for users in the eggdrop-userfile, use
##  .schattr <user> -addhosts for users in the stats-userbase)
#set anti-autoadd-flags "ofvb|ofv"
## exclude users with the following flags from the top10, top20...
## (also only for eggdrop-userfile. Use .schattr <user> -list.
#set anti-stats-flag "b|-"
## Please note that the last two settings don't affect the internal
## user database of stats.mod at all! They only work if
## use-eggdrop-userfile is set to 1
## (maybe I'll change this for the next version)

# defines what will be counted as a smiley
# (don't add hundreds of smileys if you want a reasonable cpu usage)
set smileys ":-) :) ;) ;-) ^_^ :-D :-P :P =) ;D"

# end of config
# just ignore everything below ^_^

catch "unbind pub - !top *pub:!top"
catch "unbind pub - !last *pub:!last"
catch "unbind pub - !stat *pub:!stat"
catch "unbind pub - !place *pub:!place"
catch "unbind pub - !wordstats *pub:!wordstats"
catch "unbind pub - !topwords *pub:!topwords"
bind pub - ${cmdchar}top *pub:!top
bind pub - ${cmdchar}last *pub:!last
bind pub - ${cmdchar}place *pub:!place
bind pub - ${cmdchar}stat *pub:!stat
bind pub - ${cmdchar}wordstats *pub:!wordstats
bind pub - ${cmdchar}topwords *pub:!topwords

set stats-template-dir "./templates/stats"
set stats-language-dir "./language"

#loadstatsskin templates/stats/classic/classic.skin
#loadstatsskin templates/stats/classic/debug.skin

set default-slang "eng"
set default-skin "classic"

` Can you tell me where am I wrong?