florian-sander / stats.mod

stats.mod is a module which equips your eggdrop with the ability to create various statistics about your channels.
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Feature request: Configurable user/host masks #6

Open florian-sander opened 8 years ago

florian-sander commented 8 years ago

When auto-adding users, stats.mod will currently identify them by creating something like ![username]@.[hostname]. That way, users will be identified independently of their actual nickname.

Several people have requested changes to this identification scheme, so It would be great if it could be configurable. Some examples of alternative methods:

![username]@[host] => use full host name *![username]@ => only use username on local machine [nick]!@ => track strictly by nick

If someone wants to work on this, here is a hint where to start: in core\misc.c is a function called maskstricthost. If I remember correctly, this function is responsible for creating the host mask.

TehPeGaSuS commented 7 years ago

That would be a must have. With so many free znc providers, webchats with almost fixed nicknames, etc. tracking by nickname would be the best option. Probably add a way to ignore common nicknames like Guest, kiwi, etc. We depend on you now! Please consider to make that an available option. I'm no coder and I don't understand anything about coding, otherwise I'd be glad to help: :/ Best regards.

TehPeGaSuS commented 7 years ago

Okay. While that option isn't a core option yet, here's a tcl script that will allow to track stats by nickname!*@*. https://github.com/TheMythPT/MyScripts/blob/master/Eggdrop/statshack.tcl Enjoy!! /***/ EDIT: ignore the script! Isn't working properly!

TehPeGaSuS commented 6 years ago

@florian-sander could you at least update it to use *!ident@complete.host.tld? It would solve some problems tho.

TehPeGaSuS commented 6 years ago

Okay.. I've edited my script again and it's ready to roll. Check it here: https://github.com/TheMythPT/MyScripts/blob/master/Eggdrop/statshack.tcl