floriandierickx / unfccc-crf-angular

Creating interactive graphs with national UNFCCC CRF emission data using Angular and visualisation libraries (Highcharts)
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2: use the entire EEA hierarchical dataset and add year-selection feature (in addition to country selection) #2

Open floriandierickx opened 3 years ago

floriandierickx commented 3 years ago

First thought: create Google Sheet with all data, do data wrangling there, and import in the application using ng-google-sheets-db (stackexchange thread) of @FranzDiebold.

Problem: Google Sheets does not allow more than 1 million cells, and the full dataset of all countries/all years (for GHG combined in CO2eq, not all gasses) is too large to import in Sheets.

Somebody an idea how to solve this?

FranzDiebold commented 3 years ago

Hi @floriandierickx ! I saw that you consider using ng-google-sheets-db. If you have any questions or need any help, just drop me message. I am happy to help!

floriandierickx commented 3 years ago

Cool, thanks a lot! At the moment I'm in the process of getting the data in Sheets, after that I'll be glad to shout out if need be! Thanks already for having developed the tool!