florianhartig / BayesianTools

General-Purpose MCMC and SMC Samplers and Tools for Bayesian Statistics
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Passing variable into Cost function #200

Closed nagydavid closed 2 years ago

nagydavid commented 4 years ago

Dear Florian,

My question would be that how can I pass an extra variable into the likelihood function. I tried the "variable" setup in a createBayesianSetup but it through an error.

I have a fairly complicated cost function.

I would like to pass further the parent function (variables (RunFile, PathtoDaisy, ctrldaisy)), which can be called later for the Cost.optim.D.

The Cost.Optim.D can receive a vector containing the proposed parameter set and running an external model code, when it finishes, R reads the output, crunch the data and calculate the cost and return it. In my case it is NSE.

I used this setup (functions,variables) for DEoptim optimization.


  p.config <- ctrldaisy$p.config

  #DEoptim contol parameters


  My.Packages <- list("data.table", "hydroGOF", "lubridate","RDaisy","birk","processx","stringr","BayesianTools")

  My.Functions <- list("maxmin","read.optim.25.swct","read.optim.60.swct","read.optim.90.swct",
                    "read.optim.DS_Crop","read.optim.HV.y", "read.optim","Cost.optim_D", "Cost.optim_D.DS",
                    "DaisyMorris","write.table", "export_pop","export_pop_failed","str_remove","file.path")

  My.ParVar<- list("ctrldaisy")

  #DeOptim calibration

  lowR <- param_matrix[name %in% ctrldaisy$param_sens, ]$min
  uppR <- param_matrix[name %in% ctrldaisy$param_sens, ]$max
  dflt <- param_matrix[name %in% ctrldaisy$param_sens, ]$dflt

  prior <- createUniformPrior(lower = lowR, upper = uppR, best = dflt)

  opts <- list(packages = My.Packages, variables =  c(Base.Functions,My.Functions,My.ParVar), dlls = NULL)

  bayesianSetup <- createBayesianSetup(likelihood = Cost.optim_D,
                                       prior = prior,
                                       names = param_matrix[name %in% ctrldaisy$param_sens, ]$name,
                                       #parallel = "external",

  settingsBT <- list(iterations = 4, adapt = FALSE)

  runMCMC(bayesianSetup = bayesianSetup,sampler = "DREAMzs", settings = settingsBT)


woodwards commented 4 years ago

You can get variables from other environments (e.g. .GlobalEnv) using the get function in R.

a <- 1
cost <- function(){
  a <- get("a", globalenv())
#> [1] 1

Created on 2020-05-08 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

nagydavid commented 4 years ago

Thank you, I know this method, however I would like to know how to pass variable properly to the paralleloptions=list(packages=“all”, variables=“all”)

woodwards commented 4 years ago

You can do it using clusterExport as I have in the following example


florianhartig commented 4 years ago

Hi David,

I'm not 100% sure if I understand correctly what you are doing. You want to pass a model path or something like that to your likelihood?

Yes, what Simon says should still works, also in parallel, as long as you properly export the global variables.

A somewhat more elegant and safe solution would be to write a function (in CS, we call this a factory) that generates new likelihoods with the variable that you want included, and pass those on to the BayesianSetup. I haven't tested this, but it should be something like:

factory <- function(variable){

  likelihood <- function(pars){
    return(list(pars, variable))

likelihood = factory("path")


In this way, you can generate a new likelihood any time you want to change your variable. Read more on factories here https://adv-r.hadley.nz/function-factories.html

nagydavid commented 4 years ago

Hi Florin thank you for your answer.

What I would like to achieve.:

Cost.optim_D <- function(x = NULL,RunFile,showLogFile,PathToDaisy,ctrluser,ctrldaisy){

  if(is.null(x) == FALSE){
    ctrldaisy$p <- x
    ctrldaisy$ind <- Sys.getpid()}

  names(Current_param) <- str_remove(ctrldaisy$param_sens, "[$]")



  IsTimeouT<-f.cost(RunFile, showLogFile, PathToDaisy, ctrluser, ctrldaisy)

  pop_suceed <- read.optim(ctrluser, ctrldaisy)

The cost function is my "likelihood" function:

  bayesianSetup <- createBayesianSetup(likelihood = Cost.optim_D,
                                       prior = prior,
                                       names = param_matrix[name %in% ctrldaisy$param_sens, ]$name,
                                       #parallel = "external",

I know it may be a trivial question or I am missing something.

florianhartig commented 4 years ago

Hi David, as I say, BT does not currently support passing on arguments to the likelihood (there are certain technical reasons why we don't want to support this, among them that the BayesianSetup would not be able to execute a likelihood "on its own" without a further input).

So, you have 3 options