florianhartig / DHARMa

Diagnostics for HierArchical Regession Models
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Error in plot(simulationOutput, form = …) #385

Open boswel opened 10 months ago

boswel commented 10 months ago

I calculated a GLMM based on the beta distribution (see issue #384): model_dur_red <- glmmTMB(tr_prop ~ treat + handler * day + corner * day + (1|subject), data = data_red, family = beta_family(link = "logit")) I can plot the simulated residuals against handler and against corner, but when I try to plot them against treat, the predictor of interest, I get an error message:

plot(simulationOutput, form = data_red$treat)
Error in out$uniformity$p.value[i] <- out$uniformity$details[[i]]$p.value : 
  replacement has length zero

Is there anything I can do about this? Thank you!

biellia commented 1 month ago

I have the same issue. Have you sorted this?