florianlederer / mvv-display-for-ESP32

Show the departures for your station. Only for MVV.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Different display setup issues #38

Open Cristian369 opened 6 months ago

Cristian369 commented 6 months ago

Dear Florian Lederer,

This is my first time posting a technical question on such a matter, so please be understanding if I did not include something that could help you help me. :)

I am trying to implement the following setup:

esp32 connected to 2.8" TFT ILI9341 display.

My connections are:

VCC - D23


CS - D15


DC - D2

SDI (MOSI) - D23

SCK - D18

LED - 3v3

MISO - D19

The problem that I am most likely experiencing lies within your code that I am trying to modify to fit my display. Your project is set up for a TTGO 135x240 screen. I tried multiple times to fix the code with chatGPT, but it was all futile. Here is a repo to my modified code and the TFT library edits for this display:

My code and TFT library edits: https://github.com/Cristian369/MVVProject

Currently, what I am seeing on my screen is a 135x240 black image which writes "Shutting Down" periodically. I will have to fix that later as well.

I would highly appreciate any input and how I can solve this problem. Thank you very much in advance!

EDIT: I assume that there may be a problem with my TFT_BL. I don't know where my backlight pin is.