florianv / symfony-swap

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Can't use a custom cache provider #45

Open PetitGrigri opened 3 years ago

PetitGrigri commented 3 years ago

Test on Symfony 4.4.21.

After installing symfony-swap and his dependencies, i created a custom cache provider in the same way than recommanded at https://github.com/florianv/swap/blob/master/doc/readme.md#cacheby using a PRedis Client.

I used it after in the same way than https://github.com/florianv/symfony-swap/blob/master/Resources/doc/index.md.

This is the configuration i have : config/services.yaml :

  # Create a psr-6 CachePool with our Predis Client
    class: Cache\Adapter\Predis\PredisCachePool
      $cache: "@snc_redis.default"

  # Create a psr-16 CacheInterface
    class: Cache\Bridge\SimpleCache\SimpleCacheBridge
      $cacheItemPool: "@redis.cache_pool"

  # Autowire
  Swap\Swap: "@florianv_swap.swap"
  Cache\Bridge\SimpleCache\SimpleCacheBridge: "@redis.psr16.adapter"

config/packages/florianv_swap.yaml :

    ttl: 86400
    type: redis.psr16.adapter # "redis.psr16.adapter" or "@redis.psr16.adapter" don't work either
    european_central_bank: ~

I got this error :

Unexpected swap cache type 'redis.psr16.adapter"
at florianv/swap-bundle/DependencyInjection/FlorianvSwapExtension.php
line 116

it look like that the $container as no definition for the "redis.psr16.adapter" in FlorianvSwapExtension on line 108.

How to fix this error ?

Additional clarification, when i build a new Swap with the custom cache : it's working well

        $swap = (new Builder(['cache_ttl' => 3600, 'cache_key_prefix' => 'myapp-']))
            ->add('european_central_bank', [])
            ->useSimpleCache($simpleCacheBridge) // $simpleCacheBridge : Cache\Bridge\SimpleCache\SimpleCacheBridge
stevenbrookes commented 2 years ago

Same problem here.

florianv commented 2 years ago

Hi, this is due to this condition here: https://github.com/florianv/symfony-swap/blob/master/DependencyInjection/FlorianvSwapExtension.php#L83 and here: https://github.com/florianv/symfony-swap/blob/master/DependencyInjection/FlorianvSwapExtension.php#L108

In case you'd like to debug the issue ;) Thanks!