florianwirth / PointAtMe

An annotation tool to annotate 3D data in 3D
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Occulus Rift is unavailable #3

Open davodogster opened 3 years ago

davodogster commented 3 years ago

I checked their website:


Do you know any good point cloud annotation Tools ? Cheers, Sam

davodogster commented 3 years ago

@florianwirth Occulus Rift S is available..will that work with your tool ?

florianwirth commented 3 years ago

@davodogster thanks for your request! The tool was developed and tested with Oculus Rift CV 1 and we do not have an Oculus Rift S at our institute. However, since the main difference is the screen resolution and the tracking system, I expect Oculus to make their setup and software framework as backwards compatible as possible. You only might need to update the tracking system in the project. I guess that there are already threads on how to migrate from CV1 to S. No promises though. Feel free to download the tool and test it on your setup as described on my corresponding github page. I'll be happy to help you adjust it to your setup if necessary, and if I am able to.

davodogster commented 3 years ago

@davodogster thanks for your request! The tool was developed and tested with Oculus Rift CV 1 and we do not have an Oculus Rift S at our institute. However, since the main difference is the screen resolution and the tracking system, I expect Oculus to make their setup and software framework as backwards compatible as possible. You only might need to update the tracking system in the project. I guess that there are already threads on how to migrate from CV1 to S. No promises though. Feel free to download the tool and test it on your setup as described on my corresponding github page. I'll be happy to help you adjust it to your setup if necessary, and if I am able to.

Hi @florianwirth Florian thanks for your reply, I work in forestry research in NZ, we have lots of Point cloud data obtained in the forest that we need to annotate. Would you recommend me purchasing a second hand Oculus Rift CV1 and using your tool with our data?

florianwirth commented 3 years ago

@davodogster that depends a little bit on what you are trying to do. If you already have a Oculus Rift S, then just try it with UnityEditor 2018 as I mentioned in the README. If that does not work, you can still purchase a second hand CV1. But that definitely would be my recommended way to go if you do not own a Rift S, yet.

As described on my github page, the tool annotates 3D bounding boxes with 9DoF. What kind of objects do you want to annotate? Also the tool is sequence based, so ideally you also work with sequences which means that you annotate the same objects in several consecutive point clouds. This is not a hard constraint of course - for most other use cases there might be an easy workaround - I just try to understand the task you want to solve with my tool in order to know how much effort you (or me) might have with modifying the tool for your needs. What kind of LiDAR are you using?

florianwirth commented 3 years ago

@davodogster How's the state?

JordanMakesMaps commented 3 years ago

Hey @florianwirth I'm gonna hop in with a similar question but for the Oculus Quest 2. I know using the link cable I can make my quest act like a Rift using my PC; have you or anyone on your team tried using this software using a Quest? Thanks.

florianwirth commented 3 years ago

Hi @JordanMakesMaps, thanks for your interest in my work! No, we didn't test it with Quest. Also, we don't have a Quest at our institute so I cannot just test it quickly. However, if you test it and run into issues that are produced by my code, I'll be glad to help. But I don't know why it shouldn't work, the controllers have the required keys. One known issue you should be aware of is that I developed the tool with UnityEditor 2018 and I tested it with 2019 once but some problems occured which I did not take care of. So for a start please test it with 2018 because the chances of success for a first try might be higher.

May I ask about your use case?

majidpourmemar commented 2 years ago

Hey @florianwirth I'm gonna hop in with a similar question but for the Oculus Quest 2. I know using the link cable I can make my quest act like a Rift using my PC; have you or anyone on your team tried using this software using a Quest? Thanks.

Hi Jordan, May I have a question, were you able to run this code on Oculus Quest II?

florianwirth commented 2 years ago

Hi @majidpourmemar , we don't have an oculus quest 2 at our department and since the tool is not actively under development any more, we do not plan on buying one. All I can suggest you is to test the code on your system with the installation description I have provided. Make sure to use the old 2018 version of unity editor. I'll port it to 2022 one day (I already started) but it's not my #1 priority a.t.m.

majidpourmemar commented 2 years ago

Hey @florianwirth I'm gonna hop in with a similar question but for the Oculus Quest 2. I know using the link cable I can make my quest act like a Rift using my PC; have you or anyone on your team tried using this software using a Quest? Thanks.

I used this tool on Oculus Quest 2 and it works perfectly, with the same configurations that @florianwirth mentioned here.

majidpourmemar commented 2 years ago

If your point cloud has more than 190K points the point cloud will appear partially . If this is the case you need to go to PointCloudManager.cs and between lines 123 to 169 and set the number of pointGroups to a number more than 3. Each pointGroup has 65K points.

florianwirth commented 2 years ago

hey @majidpourmemar, thanks for testing my tool on the latest setup! Also thanks for sharing your adaptations. I'll add another variable and mention it in the README in my next commit.

elmella commented 1 year ago

Hi, I know this thread has been dormant for a while, but I'm curious if there are still plans to port the project to Unity Editor 2022? It would be AWESOME to use, but I only have access to an Apple silicon macbook, which doesn't support the 2018 versions of Unity Editor. I'll attempt the installation in 2022 in poor faith of it working and will update with the results