florinpatrascu / bolt_sips

Neo4j driver for Elixir
Apache License 2.0
256 stars 49 forks source link

Neo4j version 4 support #110

Open Papillon6814 opened 1 year ago

Papillon6814 commented 1 year ago

Hello. As written in README, bolt_sips does not compatible with neo4j version 4.

Neo4j versions used for test: 3.0, 3.1, 3.4, 3.5

mix test

So when I run mix test with version 4.4.12, one test does not work. Can I work on this issue and send a PR? Because I'd like to use this library for my project. Thank you.

florinpatrascu commented 1 year ago

So when I run mix test with version 4.4.12, one test does not work.

sure. Also specifying which "one test" doesn't work, would help clarifying the context better next time.

Papillon6814 commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you for the reply!

> mix test                                                                                                                                                        23:13
Excluding tags: [:bolt_v1, :routing, :boltkit, :enterprise, :skip, :bench, :apoc]


  1) test exception when creating a node using SET properties with a nested map (ErrorsTest)
     Wrong message for Bolt.Sips.Exception
       "Property values can only be of primitive types or arrays thereof"
       "Property values can only be of primitive types or arrays thereof. Encountered: Map{baz -> String(\"foo\"), unu -> Long(1), doi -> Long(2)}."
     code: assert_raise Bolt.Sips.Exception, err, fn ->
       test/errors_test.exs:28: (test)

     The following output was logged:
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.226 [debug] C: RUN ~ ["CREATE (report:Report) SET report = $props", %{props: %{a_list: [1, 2, 3.14], a_map: %{baz: "foo", doi: 2, unu: 1}, bolt_sips: true, foo: "bar"}}, %{}]
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.227 [debug] S: RECORD ~ [0]
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.227 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{"bookmark" => "FB:kcwQqQRXgOcbQxGwtaBRge3Q32CQ", "t_last" => 4, "type" => "r"}
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.229 [debug] C: HANDSHAKE ~ "<<0x60, 0x60, 0xB0, 0x17>> [3, 2, 1, 0]"
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.229 [debug] S: HANDSHAKE ~ 3
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.230 [debug] C: HELLO ~ [%{credentials: "test", principal: "neo4j", scheme: "basic", user_agent: "BoltSips/2.0.11"}]
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.243 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{"connection_id" => "bolt-281", "hints" => %{}, "server" => "Neo4j/4.4.12"}
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.243 [debug] C: RUN ~ ["RETURN 1 AS num", %{}, %{}]
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.246 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{"fields" => ["num"], "t_first" => 2}
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.246 [debug] C: PULL_ALL ~ []
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.249 [debug] S: RECORD ~ [1]
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.249 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{"bookmark" => "FB:kcwQqQRXgOcbQxGwtaBRge3Q32CQ", "t_last" => 1, "type" => "r"}
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.249 [debug] S: FAILURE ~ %{"code" => "Neo.ClientError.Statement.TypeError", "message" => "Property values can only be of primitive types or arrays thereof. Encountered: Map{baz -> String(\"foo\"), unu -> Long(1), doi -> Long(2)}."}
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.249 [debug] C: RESET ~ []
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.250 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{}


Finished in 3.2 seconds
39 doctests, 479 tests, 1 failure, 43 excluded
> mix test                                                                                                                                                        23:13
Excluding tags: [:bolt_v1, :routing, :boltkit, :enterprise, :skip, :bench, :apoc]


  1) test exception when creating a node using SET properties with a nested map (ErrorsTest)
     Wrong message for Bolt.Sips.Exception
       "Property values can only be of primitive types or arrays thereof"
       "Property values can only be of primitive types or arrays thereof. Encountered: Map{baz -> String(\"foo\"), unu -> Long(1), doi -> Long(2)}."
     code: assert_raise Bolt.Sips.Exception, err, fn ->
       test/errors_test.exs:28: (test)

     The following output was logged:
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.226 [debug] C: RUN ~ ["CREATE (report:Report) SET report = $props", %{props: %{a_list: [1, 2, 3.14], a_map: %{baz: "foo", doi: 2, unu: 1}, bolt_sips: true, foo: "bar"}}, %{}]
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.227 [debug] S: RECORD ~ [0]
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.227 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{"bookmark" => "FB:kcwQqQRXgOcbQxGwtaBRge3Q32CQ", "t_last" => 4, "type" => "r"}
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.229 [debug] C: HANDSHAKE ~ "<<0x60, 0x60, 0xB0, 0x17>> [3, 2, 1, 0]"
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.229 [debug] S: HANDSHAKE ~ 3
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.230 [debug] C: HELLO ~ [%{credentials: "test", principal: "neo4j", scheme: "basic", user_agent: "BoltSips/2.0.11"}]
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.243 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{"connection_id" => "bolt-281", "hints" => %{}, "server" => "Neo4j/4.4.12"}
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.243 [debug] C: RUN ~ ["RETURN 1 AS num", %{}, %{}]
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.246 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{"fields" => ["num"], "t_first" => 2}
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.246 [debug] C: PULL_ALL ~ []
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.249 [debug] S: RECORD ~ [1]
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.249 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{"bookmark" => "FB:kcwQqQRXgOcbQxGwtaBRge3Q32CQ", "t_last" => 1, "type" => "r"}
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.249 [debug] S: FAILURE ~ %{"code" => "Neo.ClientError.Statement.TypeError", "message" => "Property values can only be of primitive types or arrays thereof. Encountered: Map{baz -> String(\"foo\"), unu -> Long(1), doi -> Long(2)}."}
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.249 [debug] C: RESET ~ []
     2022-10-24 23:13:38.250 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{}


Finished in 3.2 seconds
39 doctests, 479 tests, 1 failure, 43 excluded

This test does not work in version 4.4.12. thank you.

flip111 commented 7 months ago

Are there any plans for bolt protocol version 5?


florinpatrascu commented 7 months ago

none from my end, sorry.

flip111 commented 7 months ago

Alright thanks for the update :+1: