Open CryptLabs opened 2 days ago
To compile and run OpenExpertSDR is need an old qt4 or qt5 when I written help was for qt4 version 4.8.7 and for qt5 version 5.5.1.
One solution is to use qt4 or qt5 from source and to compile and them is to them to use this libs to compile OpenExpertSDR. Another solution is to install distrobox in your linux distro (check with pacman or with yay in aur the exact name for distrobox package) and then to use an old ubuntu version. I tested now and work. To create an container with old Ubuntu 18.04 with all needed libs use next command:
distrobox create --name ubuntu-1804 --init --image --additional-packages "systemd libpam-systemd build-essential autoconf autotools-dev automake libtool libfftw3-dev libjack-jackd2-dev liblo-dev libhidapi-dev qt4-qmake libqt4-dev-bin libqt4-opengl-dev portaudio19-dev qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools qtbase5-dev"
then enter in container:
distrobox enter ubuntu-1804
and then use the steps from wiki page. Look the binary for Qt4 (In my opinion was better like Qt5 version) in my Alma Linux 9.5 distro: and for Qt5 :
Look work, for OpenExpertSDR with Qt4
and for OpenExpertSDR with QT5 I not put the G11 SDR because is somewhere deposit and I not used from many years now.
If you run on container
distrobox-export --bin ~/ExpertSDR/ExpertSDR
# or
distrobox-export --bin ~/ExpertSDR/ExpertSDR_qt5
At mine create a binary script to start application in $HOME/.local/bin and then I can start from Alma linux terminal . Check on internet how you can use distrobox and distrobox-export command.
Now I seen I can't load the, I do not know why, so the better idea is to search/compile an qt4/qt5 lib if you wish to use with your G59/G11 SDR or install an old distribution on virtual machine or on an small partition.
Hi, Now work to add lib for G59/G11 SDR from distrobox: but the if your G11/G59 is not connected you have message error to revert at the initial setting modify file Options.ini. So if wish to use with out SDR modify the line SDRPluginIndex from Options.ini SDRPluginIndex SDRPluginIndex=-1
To port source code from qt5 to qt6 is not very easy, how you can see is problems from qt5 to another qt5.
Finally start on Manjaro using Qt4 from aur. After you install QT4 create file:
sudo nano /etc/
and add in this file next line (because not found the libs in manajro):
the run:
sudo ldconfig
and the work, look at mine in virtual machine:
LE> To compile OpenExpertSDR run command:
Hello Florin,
I'm using QT version 5.15.1.
I think the problem is from a function call in this file:
This part:
QCheckBox { spacing: 5px; background-color: rgb(40, 40, 40,0); border-color: rgb(100, 100, 100); margin: 2px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }
The message QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 40, 40, 40, 0'
indicates that there is an issue with the way a color value is being specified in the Qt project. Specifically, the color value is being provided with an alpha component (transparency), but the format used (rgb
) does not support an alpha component. The correct format for specifying a color with an alpha component in Qt is rgba
I have tried to change the value to the following:
color: rgb(40, 40, 40, 0);
color: rgba(40, 40, 40, 0);
However, I still get a segmentation fault (core dumped
I have tried to compile and run OpenExpertSDR. However, I'm getting the following error:
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 40, 40, 40, 0' [1] 69793 segmentation fault (core dumped) ./ExpertSDR
Kind regards.