flosoft / docker-joplin-server

Joplin Server docker image
66 stars 7 forks source link

Getting Nodejs errors #8

Open gtlsgamr opened 3 years ago

gtlsgamr commented 3 years ago

Hello. I am running the latest image on Rpi64 bit image. The Database starts fine, but the app seems to get this error.

app_1  | Node.js[1]: ../src/util.cc:188:double node::GetCurrentTimeInMicroseconds(): Assertion `(0) == (uv_gettimeofday(&tv))' failed.
app_1  | Node.js[1]: ../src/util.cc:188:double node::GetCurrentTimeInMicroseconds(): Assertion `(0) == (uv_gettimeofday(&tv))' failed.
app_1  | Node.js[1]: ../src/util.cc:188:double node::GetCurrentTimeInMicroseconds(): Assertion `(0) == (uv_gettimeofday(&tv))' failed.
app_1  | Node.js[1]: ../src/util.cc:188:double node::GetCurrentTimeInMicroseconds(): Assertion `(0) == (uv_gettimeofday(&tv))' failed.
app_1  | Node.js[1]: ../src/util.cc:188:double node::GetCurrentTimeInMicroseconds(): Assertion `(0) == (uv_gettimeofday(&tv))' failed.
app_1  | Node.js[1]: ../src/util.cc:188:double node::GetCurrentTimeInMicroseconds(): Assertion `(0) == (uv_gettimeofday(&tv))' failed.
app_1  | Node.js[1]: ../src/util.cc:188:double node::GetCurrentTimeInMicroseconds(): Assertion `(0) == (uv_gettimeofday(&tv))' failed.
app_1  | Node.js[1]: ../src/util.cc:188:double node::GetCurrentTimeInMicroseconds(): Assertion `(0) == (uv_gettimeofday(&tv))' failed.
app_1  | Node.js[1]: ../src/util.cc:188:double node::GetCurrentTimeInMicroseconds(): Assertion `(0) == (uv_gettimeofday(&tv))' failed.
app_1  | Node.js[1]: ../src/util.cc:188:double node::GetCurrentTimeInMicroseconds(): Assertion `(0) == (uv_gettimeofday(&tv))' failed.
app_1  | Node.js[1]: ../src/util.cc:188:double node::GetCurrentTimeInMicroseconds(): Assertion `(0) == (uv_gettimeofday(&tv))' failed.
app_1  | Node.js[1]: ../src/util.cc:188:double node::GetCurrentTimeInMicroseconds(): Assertion `(0) == (uv_gettimeofday(&tv))' failed.
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malammar commented 2 years ago

Seeing the same issue on arm64 raspberry pi.

malammar commented 2 years ago

Figured this out. You need to add these options to the docker-compose:

version: "3"
    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/code-server
    container_name: code-server
    security_opt: # this option
      - seccomp:unconfined
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=America/Los_Angeles
      - PASSWORD=waNhNrxX3zfnTg #optional
      - HASHED_PASSWORD= #optional
      - SUDO_PASSWORD=webtv1987 #optional
      - SUDO_PASSWORD_HASH= #optional
      - PROXY_DOMAIN=code.malammar.com #optional
      - DEFAULT_WORKSPACE=/config/workspace #optional
      - ./config:/config
      - 8443:8443
    restart: unless-stopped