Open Cleudi opened 5 years ago
There is an env named ELECTRON_ENABLE_LOGGING=1 which seems to fix the electron issue. Can you please test this?
I tried this today. But it didn't work. But it works okay with @xhubbsaxo's snippet
You can also run Cypress with debug logs enabled to get the Electron logs in stderr
DEBUG=cypress:server:browsers:electron cypress ...
npx cross-env DEBUG=cypress:server:browsers:electron cypress ...
It will share some extra data, but console.logs and stuff are in there too.
Does the new browser launch API, with Cypress v4, make it possible to support Electron?
unfortunately not @nmschulte-aviture
You can also run Cypress with debug logs enabled to get the Electron logs in
- On Linux/macOS:
DEBUG=cypress:server:browsers:electron cypress ...
- On Windows:
npx cross-env DEBUG=cypress:server:browsers:electron cypress ...
It will share some extra data, but console.logs and stuff are in there too.
That works – thanks. But do you have an idea how we could filter + reformat the DEBUG-logs?
cypress:server:browsers:electron console message: { column: 1430321, level: 'log', line: 2, source: 'console-api', text: ' prev state color: #9E9E9E; font-weight: bold [object Object]', url: 'http://ui/static/js/2.feecd219.chunk.js' }
cypress:server:browsers:electron console message: { column: 1430441, level: 'log', line: 2, source: 'console-api', text: ' action color: #03A9F4; font-weight: bold [object Object]', url: 'http://ui/static/js/2.feecd219.chunk.js' }
These super-noisy lines aren't helpful after all :(
@pkyeck no possible way to do it currently. Maybe you could hack something by piping through awk/sed
@flotwig yeah, already thought about that. But it's too late at this point because we have a lot of [object Object]
s in there that should be stringified
(or something similar) before printing them to stdout.
There is an env named ELECTRON_ENABLE_LOGGING=1 which seems to fix the electron issue. Can you please test this?
See also