flourishlib / flourish-classes

The class files for Flourish
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Jpeg headers not recognized by fFile::determineMimeTypeByContents #198

Open ChrissDeGrece opened 10 years ago

ChrissDeGrece commented 10 years ago

I am trying to upload an image using fUpload but it fails because fUpload thinks it's not a JPEG type.

I traced the class and noticed that it calls fFile::determineMimeTypeByContents which reads the file headers. Well I found a jpeg file which has different headers but it is a jpeg image.


If I open and saveAs this file from MsPaint then it is properly detected.

Here is a screenshot with my hex editor, first XVI window contains the jpg which can't be recognized. The second window is a "Save As" from IrfanView.


severak commented 6 years ago

see https://bitbucket.org/severak/kyselo/commits/adb1fca965c07c9d0e4180abb0ca4a5aa21ea1b5 for possible patch