flourishlib / flourish-classes

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fCache unserialize error #203

Open olivernagy opened 10 years ago

olivernagy commented 10 years ago

I use a file-based cache to store database schema information for fORM, like so:

fORM::enableSchemaCaching(new fCache('file', '/path/to/cache/file'));

The problem is, I'm getting error messages every few minutes about unserialize failing, with a seemingly random offset and size every time:

{doc_root}/Application/App/Libraries/Flourish/fCache.php(192): unserialize('a:6:{s:71:"fSch...')

[internal function]

unserialize(): Error at offset 24573 of 24576 bytes

There are reoccurences of offsets, and the size seem to be a multiply of 1024 in each case. Can you think of a solution to this? I'd rather not put an error suppression operator behind unserialize just to mask the issue.
