Testing Condition Exclusion: The total GDA units (derived from donations & quadratic matching formula) must always be less than the wei/sec allocated through the GDA (matching pool flow rate). This is a known limitation and we implemented a unit scale reduction for production that will prevent this from happening under normal round conditions. We don't need fuzz tests where the GDA units exceed the wei/sec allocated.
Strategy Folder: https://github.com/streaming-funding/allo-v2/tree/main/contracts/strategies/_poc/sqf-superfluid Tool: Foundy - Forge
Testing Condition Exclusion: The total GDA units (derived from donations & quadratic matching formula) must always be less than the wei/sec allocated through the GDA (matching pool flow rate). This is a known limitation and we implemented a unit scale reduction for production that will prevent this from happening under normal round conditions. We don't need fuzz tests where the GDA units exceed the wei/sec allocated.
See: https://v2.docs.superfluid.finance/docs/protocol/distributions/guides/pools#examples. In fuzz testing, we can exclude scenarios where the units exceed flow.