Open gsdenys opened 7 years ago
Thanks for raising the issue and good point. I would propose to use a different title and description property for this, something like titleKey or titlei18n and descriptionKey or descriptioni18n. Then we can leave the current title and description properties for now.
Você já conseguiu traduzir o Flowable Modeler na parte de processos de forma internacionalizada? De forma automática reconhecendo a linguagem do browser? Você tem usado o Flowable em produção? Estou tendo muitas dificuldades com as limitações do modeler e estou empenhado em tentar criar novos recursos, mas há muitas dificuldades.
The stencilset_bpmn.json use the English Names and description at BPM elements and properties definitions (see: name and description at the code bellow)
"propertyPackages" : [ { "name" : "process_idpackage", "properties" : [ { "id" : "process_id", "type" : "String", "title" : "Process identifier", "value" : "process", "description" : "Unique identifier of the process definition.", "popular" : true } ]
to provide translation to the properties and BPM elements, this names and descriptions needs to be overited by a key, that be mapped at the i18n in the flowable-ui-modeler-app/src/main/webapp/i18n/ like
"propertyPackages" : [ { "name" : "process_idpackage", "properties" : [ { "id" : "process_id", "type" : "String", "title" : "PROP.PROCESS_IDENTIFIER.TITLE", "value" : "process", "description" : "PROP.PROCESS_IDENTIFIER.DESCRIPTION", "popular" : true } ]
I would like to help to resolve this issues. Are you agree with this solution?