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FBP definition #2

Closed trustmaster closed 10 years ago

trustmaster commented 10 years ago

@oleksandr, you've mentioned it several times on the mailing list that you've got clear perception of FBP's place among other dataflow systems after reading Matt Carkci's "Dataflow and Reactive Programming Systems" book. Could you probably give it a try and write the Definition page of this wiki when you have time, please?

oleksandr commented 10 years ago

Sure. I will write a little overview based on that book over this weekend.

trustmaster commented 10 years ago

OK, i gave it a try. Corrections and additions are welcomed.

trustmaster commented 10 years ago

@alfa256, thanks for helping with this! Your corrections fit the bill.

oleksandr commented 10 years ago

@trustmaster Sorry for skipping this one, heavy project work load. It would be nice also to add couple of sentences about connection joins and splits: what is allowed and what not. In some data flow systems the joins/splits should be separate components (similar how a IIP is modelled by a sender/oneshot component). But in classical FBP we can have joins (several output ports connected to a single input port, IPs are "merged" in the natural arrival order) but we cannot connect same output port to several input ports because IPs are unique. I believe this an important part when it comes to implementation.

@jpaulm What do you think?

trustmaster commented 10 years ago

@oleksandr, I think @jpaulm agrees with the importance of this rule because he defined it in first place :smiley:

I added it to the characteristics list: https://github.com/flowbased/flowbased.org/wiki/Definition/_compare/0c6d9ad%5E...0c6d9ad

oleksandr commented 10 years ago

Cool. Thanks :-)

jpaulm commented 10 years ago

Yes, absolutely! I like the way the new characteristic is worded.