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memory-game-in-javascript #15

Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

How to Create a Memory Game in JavaScript - Webtips

In this tutorial, we will be looking into how you can recreate a memory game with flipping cards in vanially JavaScript. GitHub link is also provided.


EtnoPolino commented 2 years ago

it's seriously hard for beginning level, that i fail to understand what javaScript knowledge im supposed to learn.

flowforfrank commented 2 years ago

it's seriously hard for beginning level, that i fail to understand what javaScript knowledge im supposed to learn. Hey @EtnoPolino

I suggest checking out the following topics to get a better understanding of JavaScript at a basic level:

I also recommend checking out these interview questions that can help you get a better understanding of JavaScript, as well as these smaller JavaScript tips. Let me know if there is any specific topic you are looking for.

drducmanh commented 2 years ago

How to stop and reset the game without reload page? I've wrote this function to stop the game via button, but not work!

function stopGame(){ state.gameStarted = false; state.flippedCards = 0; state.totalFlips = 0; state.totalTime = 0; state.loop = null; state.gameStarted = false; clearInterval(state.loop); flipBackCards(); }

Please help me!!! Thank you!

drducmanh commented 2 years ago

Oh! i've just move the line state.loop = null; to below clearInterval(state.loop); and it's work perfectly. Thank you!

const stopGame = ()=>{ state.gameStarted = false; state.flippedCards = 0; state.totalFlips = 0; state.totalTime = 0; state.gameStarted = false; clearInterval(state.loop); state.loop = null; selectors.moves.innerText = 0 moves selectors.timer.innerText = time 0 sec }

CodedavidperloW commented 1 year ago

What can be done if you want to switch the emojis with a picture? In the javascript I saw you added emojis. But what if you want to pair a picture and the name of what is in the picture.

flowforfrank commented 1 year ago

What can be done if you want to switch the emojis with a picture? In the javascript I saw you added emojis. But what if you want to pair a picture and the name of what is in the picture.

Hey @CodedavidperloW, thanks for the question. With the bare minimum amount of changes, I'd approach this in the following way:

const images = [
    { src: 'https://bit.ly/3JEnbxb', alt: 'React' },
    { src: 'https://bit.ly/3JEnbxb', alt: 'JS' },
    { src: 'https://bit.ly/3JEnbxb', alt: 'HTML' },
    { src: 'https://bit.ly/3JEnbxb', alt: 'CSS' },
    { src: 'https://bit.ly/3JEnbxb', alt: 'Svelte' },
    { src: 'https://bit.ly/3JEnbxb', alt: 'Jest' },
    { src: 'https://bit.ly/3JEnbxb', alt: 'Cypress' },
    { src: 'https://bit.ly/3JEnbxb', alt: 'Sass' },
    { src: 'https://bit.ly/3JEnbxb', alt: 'AI' },
    { src: 'https://bit.ly/3JEnbxb', alt: 'Phaser' }
const picks = pickRandom(images, (dimensions * dimensions) / 2) 
const items = shuffle([...picks, ...picks])
const cards = `
    <div class="board" style="grid-template-columns: repeat(${dimensions}, auto)">
        ${items.map(item => `
            <div class="card">
                <div class="card-front">${item.alt}</div>
                <div class="card-back">
                    <img src="${item.src}" />

Let me explain what has been changed:

We can also add some additional styles to make the text more legible, and fit the image inside the cards:

.card-front {
    color: #FFF;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;

img {
   width: 100%;

Hope this helps

I created a branch with the changes so it is easier to understand where this has been changed, you can find it here: https://github.com/flowforfrank/memory-game/compare/master...using-images

CodedavidperloW commented 1 year ago

Wow thank you, I am a new JS student and really liked your project. I hope to learn from it and help me build my portfolio. I just saw this message now and since found a video explaining how to make a memory game and I felt that the skill level was just right for me. The next time I try doing something like this I will follow your set up. BTW I saw the video on YouTube for your project and it was very well done!