flowplayer / flash

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3.2.18: Analytics broken #185

Open phloxic opened 10 years ago

phloxic commented 10 years ago

See: http://flash.flowplayer.org/plugins/flash/analytics.html or standalone: http://flash.flowplayer.org/demos/standalone/plugins/flash/analytics.html

I can see the tracking gifs downloaded in the network console - but no results on-screen. So it looks like at least the debug mode is broken.

phloxic commented 10 years ago

Could this be caused (in part) by Google API changes: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/upgrade/ ?

danrossi commented 10 years ago

I'm seeing two requests one at the start and when it's ended. One parameter is null, so could be that ?


Thats the request. The controls issue could be related to the memory fixes as some of the timer events were changed. I can't see how it could affect the controlbar.

phloxic commented 10 years ago

@anssip - ping, we also have the bridge mode demo http://flash.flowplayer.org/demos/standalone/plugins/flash/analytics-bridge.html - but users do not see anything, unless they open the console. Is the debug display gone intentionally? Then this must be documented. Or is it a bug?

phloxic commented 10 years ago

Please see: https://flowplayer.org/forum/#!/plugins:flowplayer-analytics

danrossi commented 10 years ago

I personally have compiled in the plugin for someone and bridge mode is working as well as non bridge mode for video shares into facebook.

phloxic commented 10 years ago

It still would be good to see the results in debug mode as advertised, so we don't depend on hearsay.

danrossi commented 10 years ago

ok the GA logs may not be enabled in the build by default. it was added as a compiler constant there is two build files one has the debugger enabled which increases its filesize.

phloxic commented 9 years ago

All that does not explain the hanging playhead in non-bridge mode, or does it? Further more non-bridge mode does not log anything to the console (nevermind the screen), only bridge mode does.

danrossi commented 9 years ago

theres been a couple of fixes to the scrubber in the rep no idea what could be an issue with the live version. But i have the bridge mode and as3 mode working for the share players example is here its using my "branches waiting to be merged" danmerge branch.


The logging will only be active if its compiled with the logging enabled its off by default to reduce bloat.

phloxic commented 9 years ago

What do you mean by "logging"?

so whatever's compiled in or not compiled in, the behaviour is inconsistent.

If logging to screen means too much code bloat, I'm fine with that. @anssip - I need confirmation for this decision, I'll then rephrase the texts on the plugin page.

danrossi commented 9 years ago

There is a compiler constant to enable console logging within the google analytics library. Its not compiled in as it increases the filesize. A debugger version can be compiled instead when needed.

danrossi commented 9 years ago

Your other issue looks like a scrubber problem which may be fixed within the dev branch it certainly not a problem in my branch as shown above. I have the code working fine within bridge and then AS3 mode for facebook shares so it is working and sending stuff to google.

danrossi commented 9 years ago

I dont know what you mean by screen log I'm assuming you mean in the google stats window.

phloxic commented 9 years ago

Up to flowplayer.analytics-3.2.8.swf the plugin showed the events on screen when the plugin's debug parameter was true (that's why there is/was a debug parameter specifically for the plugin ) - if that does not work anymore, the docs must be changed - http://flash.flowplayer.org/plugins/flash/analytics.html#configuration says for debug: "Optional. If true, no tracking information will be sent to Google and will be displayed on an overlay over the video instead." So the question is:

danrossi commented 9 years ago

I see a really old copy on google code with something to do with debug but that is passing onto the analytics as3 library there is no sources for this. The "latest" sources which were copied over during the refactoring have nothing to do mentioning debug at all https://github.com/flowplayer/flash/blob/master/plugins/analytics/src/actionscript/com/google/analytics/GATracker.as

Certainly not a good idea anyway having that stuff being loaded all the time. Something could be added to provide js callbacks to allow people to debug themselves but this tracker code may have to be hacked up.


something could be added here to make a callback to the plugin which will then dispatch a plugin event if "debug" is enabled. All this stuff will log to the browser console if logging options are compiled in as a debugger version.

phloxic commented 9 years ago


analytics 3.2.9 was released with core 3.2.18 and here you can see the difference: http://flowplayer.blacktrash.org/test/analytics.html - as you can see the difference is extremely obvious for the user.

@danrossi, @anssip - please coordinate, and let me know what is the intended behavior.

danrossi commented 9 years ago

the first one may have been fixed in the dev branch as I mentioned or one of my other branches waiting to be merged. Example working in player linked above. there is no debug behaviour in the new analytic library but a callback feature can be hacked into it.