flowplayer / flash

Flowplayer Flash, the video player for the Web
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Is there a way to configure options globally in a page? #288

Open shacharz opened 9 years ago

shacharz commented 9 years ago

I want to configure options globally for all players, and then for specific players to just override options like clip.url.

shacharz commented 9 years ago

Maybe I'll elaborate a bit more. Here's an example configuration from http://www.flashls.org/latest/examples/flowplayer/index.html:

flowplayer("player", "flowplayer.swf", {
    // configure the required plugins
    plugins: {
        httpstreaming: {
            url: 'flashlsFlowPlayer.swf'
    clip: {
        url: "",
        ipadUrl: "",
        urlResolvers: ["httpstreaming","brselect"],
        provider: "httpstreaming",
        autoPlay: false
    log: {
        level: 'debug',
        filter: 'org.osmf.*, org.electroteque.m3u8.*, org.flowplayer.bitrateselect.*'

I would like to configure everything except the url outside of the flowplayer player initialization. And for the player initialization to look something like this:

flowplayer("player", "flowplayer.swf", {
    clip: {
        url: "",
        ipadUrl: "",