Open speech77 opened 7 years ago
@zemen77 - did you check whether your scenario is covered by the setup in this demo: ?
Hi @blacktrash,
I checked it and I tried some tweaked settings too, like: manifestLoadingMaxRetry: 1000, manifestLoadingRetryDelay: 5000
but it still throws an error event on the player:
error args: (3) [Event, {…}, {…}, callee: ƒ, Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ƒ] 0 : Event {isTrusted: false, type: "error", target: null, currentTarget: null, preventDefault: ƒ, …} 1 : {conf: {…}, currentSpeed: 1, volumeLevel: "1", video: {…}, disabled: false, …} 2 : {code: 4, video: {…}, message: "Video file not found"}
Is there a way to catch the empty manifest error in the xhrSetup obj and skip it?
Thanks a lot,
here some logs about my issue:
hlsjs debug logs:
[log] > loading playlist for level 0
[log] > same live playlist, reload twice faster
[log] > live playlist, reload in 2362 ms
[log] > level 0 loaded [0,4393],duration:21961.120000002193
[log] > live playlist sliding:0.010
[log] > loading playlist for level 0
flowplayer error event: [Event, {…}, {…}, callee: ƒ, Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ƒ]
[log] > destroy
hlsjs event: ["hlsDestroying", callee: ƒ, Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ƒ]
[log] > detachMedia
[log] > media source detaching
hlsjs event: ["hlsMediaDetached", callee: ƒ, Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ƒ]
[log] > main stream:IDLE->STOPPED
hlsjs event: ["hlsMediaDetaching", callee: ƒ, Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ƒ]
hlsjs event: (2) ["hlsError", {…}, callee: ƒ, Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ƒ]
Here are the properties from last entry log:
The reason for the error is I get somehow an 'empty' manifest from the server at a random time.
Is there a way to prevent this arror as fatal? Thanks in advance
Then try with recoverNetworkError: true
in your hlsjs config; see:
@blacktrash I have a strange problem with Android Device and HLS. I have two android devices and 4 HLS links.
2 of those links are just plain URL ending with m3u8 And other 2 has dynamic wmsAuthSign
This live streaming works just perfect on a Android device, and another device can only play plain URLs and for dynamic wmsAuthSign it shows "hlsjs video file not found ".
Then I tried with several online based real android devices and I encountered this on many devices.
Any idea why this is happening?
@ibnbd please provide minimal (player setup only, on a dedicated html page) sample links for each scenario, and give details about the affected Android device names and OS / browser versions. Do the HLS streams play in a plain
Did you resolve your problem? Could you please share the solution ? I have the same issue
see my answer above. Link to a minimal sample page and the stream urls please. Also: do they play in a plain
sometimes it happens my CDN provider give back to the player an empty m3u8 playlist. Hlsjs throws an error 'hlsjs video file not found' and stops playing.
Is there a chance to patch the code and drop that zero size response as like as it never existed? I mean like, a kind of workaround until the CDN provider will fix the issue.
Thanks in advance