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https://github.com/tloen/alpaca-lora/pull/364 #15

Open juntao opened 1 year ago

juntao commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am a code review bot on flows.network. Here are my reviews of changed source code files in this PR.


I reviewed the given source code and found some potential issues and suggestions for improvements.

  1. There are unused imports at the top of the code. Please remove those to keep the code clean and reduce unnecessary dependencies.

    import torch.nn as nn
    import bitsandbytes as bnb
    #import utils
    #from utils.callbacks import Iteratorize, Stream
    #from utils.prompter import Prompter
  2. There is a multiline string (triple-quoted string) used for commenting out code. It's advisable to use the hash symbol # for commenting out a single line or multiple lines of traditional code instead of multiline strings.

  3. There are several lines of code that appear to be used for debugging purposes. It is a good practice to remove them once the debugging is done or encapsulate them within a separate block that is not executed during normal execution. Examples include the print statements.

  4. It's better to use f-strings or .format() method for string interpolation instead of using + for string concatenation. For example:

    print(f"\nRequirements installing:\n\n" + "\n".join(packages))

    This could be changed to:

    print(f"\nRequirements installing:\n\n{'\n'.join(packages)}")
  5. In the Prompter class, the generate_prompt method could be refactored for better readability by using f-string and separate conditions for each case.

  6. For better code readability and organization, consider breaking down the functions and classes into separate modules, based on their functionality, and import them when necessary.

  7. Add typing information to functions and methods missing them, for example in the tokenize and generate_and_tokenize_prompt functions.

  8. Add error checking and handling to the code. When loading files, data, or models, perform checks to ensure that the required data or files are available, and handle exceptions appropriately.

Overall, the code structure and organization can be improved to increase readability and maintainability.

The patch contains several changes, mainly focused on adding different capabilities to the code.

  1. Imports libraries and packages needed for the implementation.
  2. Adds a helper class Stream for generating output in a streaming manner.
  3. Adds a class Iteratorize that transforms a function which takes a callback into a lazy iterator.
  4. Adds a Prompter class to manage templates and prompt building.
  5. Loads instance data and provides instructions for handling potential errors.
  6. Adds the main training function train, including loading and preparing the model, modifying tokenizer settings, tokenizing the dataset, generating and displaying text.
  7. Adds necessary callbacks for training, such as GenerateTextCallback and EarlyStoppingCallback.
  8. Initializes and runs the trainer with appropriate arguments.

This code patch is intended to train an Alpaca-LoRA model, with added features like streaming output, prompt management, and early stopping.

cc https://github.com/tloen/alpaca-lora/pull/364

juntao commented 1 year ago

flows summarize

juntao commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am a code review bot on flows.network. Here are my reviews of code commits in this PR.

Overall, the submitted patch introduces several changes and improvements to the test.py file for finetuning the Llama-7B model on a small dataset, with added functionality for training and running the model using Gradio. Key changes include the addition of new functions and classes, updating hyperparameters, and improving code organization.

Some potential issues and errors across the patches include unused imports, hard-coding of the dataset, lack of proper error handling, limited documentation and comments, and small dataset size potentially leading to overfitting. Additionally, the impact of changes to slider values for "Top k" and "Beams" on test results and algorithm performance should be considered.

The most important findings from these patches are the ability to finetune the model on a small dataset, support for running on the RTX3090 and Colab T4 16G environments, and achieving 100% correct outcomes on both devices. Improvements in handling templates, adding evaluation callbacks for displaying generated text samples, and updating package requirements also contribute to the quality of the shared code. However, it's crucial to address the potential issues mentioned above for better code quality, maintainability, and extensibility.


Commit c085687e1d3514b7d4d37feb70a702af97429e64

Summary: The patch creates a new test.py Python file containing code to finetune the Llama-7B model using a small dataset of only 10 instances. The code has the ability to work on both RTX3090 and Colab T4 16G. The primary goal is to save time testing the environment and demonstrate how to fine-tune small datasets. The patch also contains functionality for training the model and running it on the provided dataset using Gradio.

Key Changes:

  1. Added train function to train the model on a given dataset.
  2. Added a small dataset of 10 instances to finetune the model.
  3. Uses the RTX3090 and Colab T4 16G for training.
  4. The generated outcome is 100% correct on both the devices.
  5. Added function main that initializes the model and runs it on a given dataset using Gradio.

Potential problems:

  1. Unused imports present in the code. This could lead to unnecessary overhead and confusion for future developers.
  2. Hard-coded dataset: the small dataset for training the model is hard-coded inside the test.py file, which may not be easily adjustable or extensible for future purposes.
  3. Error handling: There is no proper error handling in the code, which might cause issues in case of unexpected exceptions.
  4. No comments or documentation explaining the different sections of the code, making it difficult for future developers to understand the purpose of individual blocks.
  5. The quality of the training might be limited due to the small dataset size, and the model may overfit on this specific dataset.

Commit 605c92669179f7bf21e53c18ebc6b1c71b81eb5b

Summary of Key Changes:

  1. Added a few comments.
  2. Corrected a typo in an existing comment.

Potential Problems:

  1. Since this patch mostly consists of comments and a minor typo fix, there are no major issues or potential problems in the code changes.
  2. However, without seeing the entire code, it's difficult to assess if the given comments are adequate for future developers to understand the current code.

Commit 3be39fce372a2aeb789c9e58718ba65eb8114ade

This patch updates the test.py file with the following key changes:

  1. The value of the slider for "Top k" has been changed from 40 to 10.
  2. The value of the slider for "Beams" has been changed from 4 to 1.

Potential problems with these changes are:

  1. There might be an impact on the test results due to the new slider value for "Top k", which may affect the behavior of the tested algorithm.
  2. Reducing the Beams slider value to 1 could impact the algorithm's performance in terms of finding optimal solutions, as the lower value might result in fewer search paths being explored in parallel.

Commit 423ede24ea144a57f102d4a2418734ea52a3936a

This patch updates the test.py file with some additional features, improvements, and bug fixes.

Key changes:

  1. Added new packages in the requirements like wandb and fixed the peft version.
  2. Added new classes like generate_prompt and get_response for managing templates and prompt building.
  3. Added a new GenerateTextCallback class to enable display of evaluation text generation with random samples.
  4. Updated conditions for loading 8-bit models.
  5. Changed some hyperparameters: top_k from 40 to 20 and num_beams from 4 to the number of GPUs available.
  6. Improved overall code structure, organization, and some minor bug fixes.

Potential issues:

  1. There are unused imports (commented out) in the file, which can be removed for better code quality.
  2. It's unclear whether old dependencies were thoroughly tested with this update, and there might be compatibility issues.

In summary, the patch mostly focuses on improving the text generation, adding evaluation callbacks for displaying generated text samples, updating packages, and improving code organization.

cc https://github.com/tloen/alpaca-lora/pull/364