ERROR: One or more request parameters is incorrect, b'{"message":"Module \'rochachan2/cifar-10/4\' has invalid inputs. Errors:\\n\\tParameter should be a valid Python 2.x variable name; received cifar-10-batches-py","status":400}\n
My start code is Rochas-MacBook-Pro:assignment2 Rocha$ floyd run --data tarunw07/datasets/cifar-10-batches-py/1:cifar-10-batches-py --mode jupyter --gpu
ERROR: One or more request parameters is incorrect, b'{"message":"Module \'rochachan2/cifar-10/4\' has invalid inputs. Errors:\\n\\tParameter should be a valid Python 2.x variable name; received cifar-10-batches-py","status":400}\n
My start code is
Rochas-MacBook-Pro:assignment2 Rocha$ floyd run --data tarunw07/datasets/cifar-10-batches-py/1:cifar-10-batches-py --mode jupyter --gpu