flozz / rivalcfg

CLI tool and Python library to configure SteelSeries gaming mice
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Completely breaks KDE on Debian 11 #153

Closed theAkito closed 3 years ago

theAkito commented 3 years ago

I've installed the scripts and when I tried to run this tool as the main user, it told me I should update some udev rules by letting this tool adjust the related settings, without any warning of any kind.

I ran the command, my user was logged out and my KDE desktop seems to be purged from selection. I don't know how I can get KDE back in the login selection and I have no idea why this tool would break an entire desktop environment for no reason. It switched to the ugly LXQt. Therefore I need to know what udev rules were applied to reverse this major error. I hope I can get my KDE back to the way it was before, which means it is the default DE and selectable in the login screen.

At least add a big fat warning to this udev setting, before breaking an entire DE!c

theAkito commented 3 years ago

Had to entirely reinstall KDE...