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error in predict if indices object has names distinct from index names #62

Closed ejardim closed 10 years ago

ejardim commented 10 years ago

fit <- a4aSCA(ple4, FLIndices(b=bioidx, a=ple4.index), qmodel=list(~1, ~s(age, k=4))) Note: The following observations are treated as being missing at random: fleet year age a 1997 1 a 1997 2 Predictions will be made for missing observations. predict(fit) Error in X %*% b : non-conformable arguments traceback() 15: FUN(X[[3L]], ...) 14: FUN(X[[3L]], ...) 13: lapply(X = list(catch = <S4 object of class "submodel">, b = <S4 object of class "submodel">, a = <S4 object of class "submodel">), FUN = function (object, ...) standardGeneric("predict")) 12: lapply(X = list(catch = <S4 object of class "submodel">, b = <S4 object of class "submodel">, a = <S4 object of class "submodel">), FUN = function (object, ...) standardGeneric("predict")) 11: do.call("lapply", lstargs) 10: lapply(object, predict) 9: lapply(object, predict) 8: predict(vm) 7: predict(vm) 6: .local(object, ...) 5: predict(pars(object)) 4: predict(pars(object)) 3: .local(object, ...) 2: predict(fit) 1: predict(fit)