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Re-scan for non picked-up Github accounts #106

Open Pofiz opened 3 months ago

Pofiz commented 3 months ago

"The rejection of OAuth usage is justified, as depicted in the Medium article; however, many developers, for various reasons, did not have an SSH key at the time of the snapshot, excluding them entirely from the distribution.

To my knowledge, no warning was given beforehand, making this situation frustrating for many of us.

Why not perform another scan for accounts not picked up in a few days?

juangirini commented 3 months ago

That's a good idea. Also, I didn't read the article, can you share a link here pls?

boneyard93501 commented 3 months ago

wrong forum. discuss DAO proposal at https://gov.fluence.network/

pinpox commented 3 months ago

Also some keys seem to have been incompatible, a re-scan with warning beforehand would be awesome :heart:

zoep commented 3 months ago

Some people (including myself) may have deleted old security keys for security reasons. Please do a rescan.

MeatDeveloper commented 3 months ago


lnsane commented 3 months ago


BorkBorked commented 3 months ago

If you want a rescan use the proposal that's been made : https://gov.fluence.network/t/re-scan-for-non-picked-up-github-accounts/230/2

Liboq commented 2 months ago


mcamou commented 2 months ago

I'm wondering if a re-scan might help my issue. The website says that I am eligible but metadata.bin says not.