fluencelabs / dev-rewards

Apache License 2.0
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Specified SSH key is not eligible for claiming. Only RSA and Ed25519 keys are supported for proof generation #21

Closed GalaxySciTech closed 4 months ago

GalaxySciTech commented 4 months ago

Specified SSH key is not eligible for claiming. Only RSA and Ed25519 keys are supported for proof generation.


everything is good , only your script error,


GalaxySciTech commented 4 months ago

last ticket https://github.com/fluencelabs/dev-rewards/issues/7

FlorianRuen commented 4 months ago

I got the exact same problem when using the script. Tried with both Python and shell script In the past, I didn't have any SSH key registered to my account (only GPG keys for commits

The key was generated using (tried both ed25519 and rsa algorithms)

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@example.com" ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your_email@example.com"

Capture d’écran du 2024-02-29 16-53-13

Capture d’écran du 2024-02-29 16-52-05

When running the command that read the metadata.bin file alone

while IFS='' read -r line; do echo "$line"; done < <(grep "^FlorianRuen," "metadata.bin" || true)
`FlorianRuen,616 [....]
elshan-eth commented 4 months ago

@GalaxySciTech, you use this key, right? ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGHB72knEgoEtqsSme3lN3hjv6uqYlw9RZuRKbLEjsLF

elshan-eth commented 4 months ago

@FlorianRuen, our airdrop contains this your public key. Does it match what you are trying to use? ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQCWxp5wYrIlnPwI/FyH7Vtp4QXg8mFWgS9qtorye8IMb/Gjcs7+3ql3GPhfUFmuecj8auZ30UK9DPCnqADJxzqvhjC31aomNYtF9PWzQHWNYkQnd+VTUzAcV7txO0O1cb8lyuXiGX+pWzYFG00tCz56jyCZHaQy0/gqmo5CZIYQ8veKy9NqDiNT89YRlXboOB+p7y0b8OicR9DOXdf4nlqZbNGQ4aDJ4eija/H05PDndvRpj5oC+xLbE/H2creg0JkiBMGqC0I8FqdYkCLNHHjpejuYGPsQnG8RLwGeCRQD/uZ9iPixL+x8yuOMUMo+RarE3PeE/BGMWLhj8Zf1h6alvan6l5oaPbfnKV8Tr/5fACjTsJbXuXDP3qhWRS/C4nOjVip15vIpERZ5k9cyfSokY4BwTjI8NEhoiVBNOOBR1B6fHsprABD8dEOhl45s9XRRFeFHhWVJ6pqaBhQdwyjcOue6/lGJSOpkZoGsN0iGGj9czCR7inc98gHuwnJzGNk=

FlorianRuen commented 4 months ago

@elshan-eth I didn't have an ssh key on my github account before yesterday, how was this key retrieved ? Because I can't find the attached private key on my vault

Even in the Github security logs, I can't find this key (deleted or created), so I don't really know how was this key retrieved

elshan-eth commented 4 months ago

@FlorianRuen We took a snapshot of public keys from GitHub. Unfortunately, if you created the key yesterday or after this snapshot, then you cannot receive the airdrop

FlorianRuen commented 4 months ago

@elshan-eth Strange, because I did not have a public key on my github account before yesterday, maybe the snapshot was a long time ago, this authentication method is not the best, since many github account changes ...

petscheit commented 4 months ago

Agreed. I updated to PATs a while ago and my old SSH key is on my old machine which has been wiped. Not a great authentication mechanism.

FrostStarBook commented 4 months ago

Many people seem to have the same issue. When the script prompted us to provide feedback via the link, it seems we may have been directed to the wrong place to submit feedback.

My previous computer was a 2019 MacBook Pro. Last December, I switched to a new computer, and I wiped the data on the old one. However, my GitHub was configured with SSH from the old computer. I've removed that configuration now. I thought others might be in the same situation, using new SSH keys. @elshan-eth

leo-web3 commented 4 months ago

I hope the project developers can solve this problem. This verification mechanism is very unfriendly. SSH key is not a friendly verification mechanism. There is also an oauth mechanism that can verify everyone on Github. @elshan-eth

GalaxySciTech commented 4 months ago

@FlorianRuen We took a snapshot of public keys from GitHub. Unfortunately, if you created the key yesterday or after this snapshot, then you cannot receive the airdrop

My key was from a year ago and was lost in the old machine. How do I receive the airdrop now?

elshan-eth commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately, if your active key is not in the airdrop, this means that you cannot receive the airdrop. It is airdrop conditions

FlorianRuen commented 4 months ago

Thanks for flagging @106umao, but I think I don't have my private key anymore, was a very old SSH Key, and my computer was restore/wiped few times since the creation

I said again, that this authentication method is not the best ... Or something to "regenerate" a new key if an old one was eligible can be a great option

FrostStarBook commented 4 months ago
FlorianRuen commented 4 months ago

@FrostStarBook Thanks for this screenshot, and many github accounts use GPG key to sign commits not SSH keys, so many SSH keys can be inactive, except for account that use SSH to pull/commits ...

elshan-eth commented 4 months ago

This is an airdrop and it has these conditions. If you don't have the key from our snapshot, you are not a participant in the airdrop.