fluent / fluent-bit-docker-image

Docker image for Fluent Bit
Apache License 2.0
67 stars 75 forks source link

Can not push to elasticsearch with tls=on and internal certificat #36

Open fmillevi opened 3 years ago

fmillevi commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to push directly on ES my audit logs.

docker run -ti -v /Users/franck.milleville/Desktop/debug/fluent-bit/logs.log:/logs.log     \
     fluent/fluent-bit:1.6.4                                          \
     /fluent-bit/bin/fluent-bit -R /fluent-bit/etc/parsers.conf     \
                                -i tail -p path=/logs.log  \
                                        -p parser=json              \
                                -T "CREATE STREAM audit WITH (tag='AUDIT_LOGS') AS SELECT * FROM STREAM:tail.0 WHERE viaq_index_name>='.audit.0' AND viaq_index_name<='.audit.9';" \
                                -o es -m 'AUDIT_LOGS' -p host=054es065.fr1.esaas.tech.orange \
                                                 -p port=443 \
                                                 -p http_user=<myESAccount> \
                                                 -p http_passwd=<myESPassword> \
                                                 -p logstash_format=true \
                                                 -p logstash_prefix=audit \
                                                 -p index=audit \
                                                 -p buffer_size=64k \
                                                 -p tls=on \
                                                 -p tls.verify=off \
                                                 -p tls.debug=4 \
                                                 -p trace_output=on \
                                                 -p include_tag_key=on \

I've got an error during TLS handscheck.

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2090: in_left: 0, nb_want: 5 [2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_tls.c 5698: <= handshake [2020/11/16 14:57:35] [error] [upstream] connection #34 to 054es065.fr1.esaas.tech.orange:443 timed out after 10 seconds [2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_tls.c 5688: => handshake

All logs

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [task] destroy task=0x7fb9ba2525a0 (task_id=0)
[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [task] created task=0x7fb9ba2525a0 id=0 OK
[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_tls.c 5688: => handshake

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 4159: client state: 0

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2124: => flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2136: <= flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 4159: client state: 1

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2124: => flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2136: <= flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0872: => write client hello

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0928: client hello, max version: [3:3]

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0788: client hello, current time: 1605538645

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0937: dumping 'client hello, random bytes' (32 bytes)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0937: 0000:  5f b2 93 55 76 3e 50 bf 5f c0 26 df 6e ed ea 59  _..Uv>P._.&.n..Y

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0937: 0010:  86 d2 85 ee c0 55 da 12 77 08 fa 6f 3c b5 b5 52  .....U..w..o<..R

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0997: client hello, session id len.: 0

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0998: dumping 'client hello, session id' (0 bytes)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xcca8 (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xcca9 (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xccaa (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc02c (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc030 (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x9f (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0ad (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc09f (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc024 (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc028 (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x6b (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc00a (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc014 (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x39 (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0af (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM-8)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0a3 (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM-8)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc087 (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc08b (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc07d (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc073 (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc077 (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc4 (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x88 (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc02b (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc02f (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x9e (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0ac (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-CCM)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc09e (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CCM)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc023 (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc027 (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x67 (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc009 (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc013 (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x33 (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0ae (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0a2 (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc086 (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc08a (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc07c (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc072 (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc076 (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xbe (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x45 (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x9d (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc09d (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x3d (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x35 (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc032 (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc02a (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc00f (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc02e (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc026 (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc005 (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0a1 (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM-8)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc07b (TLS-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0 (TLS-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x84 (TLS-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc08d (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc079 (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc089 (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc075 (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x9c (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc09c (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CCM)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x3c (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x2f (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc031 (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc029 (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc00e (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc02d (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc025 (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc004 (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0a0 (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc07a (TLS-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xba (TLS-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x41 (TLS-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc08c (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc078 (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc088 (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc074 (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1080: client hello, got 79 ciphersuites (excluding SCSVs)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1089: adding EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1143: client hello, compress len.: 1

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1145: client hello, compress alg.: 0

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0107: client hello, adding server name extension: 054es065.fr1.esaas.tech.orange

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0225: client hello, adding signature_algorithms extension

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0318: client hello, adding supported_elliptic_curves extension

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0388: client hello, adding supported_point_formats extension

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0607: client hello, adding encrypt_then_mac extension

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0638: client hello, adding extended_master_secret extension

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0671: client hello, adding session ticket extension

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1294: client hello, total extension length: 111

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2560: => write handshake message

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2719: => write record

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2837: output record: msgtype = 22, version = [3:1], msglen = 316

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: dumping 'output record sent to network' (321 bytes)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0000:  16 03 01 01 3c 01 00 01 38 03 03 5f b2 93 55 76  ....<...8.._..Uv

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0010:  3e 50 bf 5f c0 26 df 6e ed ea 59 86 d2 85 ee c0  >P._.&.n..Y.....

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0020:  55 da 12 77 08 fa 6f 3c b5 b5 52 00 00 a0 cc a8  U..w..o<..R.....

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0030:  cc a9 cc aa c0 2c c0 30 00 9f c0 ad c0 9f c0 24  .....,.0.......$

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0040:  c0 28 00 6b c0 0a c0 14 00 39 c0 af c0 a3 c0 87  .(.k.....9......

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0050:  c0 8b c0 7d c0 73 c0 77 00 c4 00 88 c0 2b c0 2f  ...}.s.w.....+./

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0060:  00 9e c0 ac c0 9e c0 23 c0 27 00 67 c0 09 c0 13  .......#.'.g....

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0070:  00 33 c0 ae c0 a2 c0 86 c0 8a c0 7c c0 72 c0 76  .3.........|.r.v

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0080:  00 be 00 45 00 9d c0 9d 00 3d 00 35 c0 32 c0 2a  ...E.....=.5.2.*

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0090:  c0 0f c0 2e c0 26 c0 05 c0 a1 c0 7b 00 c0 00 84  .....&.....{....

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 00a0:  c0 8d c0 79 c0 89 c0 75 00 9c c0 9c 00 3c 00 2f  ...y...u.....<./

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 00b0:  c0 31 c0 29 c0 0e c0 2d c0 25 c0 04 c0 a0 c0 7a  .1.)...-.%.....z

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 00c0:  00 ba 00 41 c0 8c c0 78 c0 88 c0 74 00 ff 01 00  ...A...x...t....

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 00d0:  00 6f 00 00 00 23 00 21 00 00 1e 30 35 34 65 73  .o...#.!...054es

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 00e0:  30 36 35 2e 66 72 31 2e 65 73 61 61 73 2e 74 65  065.fr1.esaas.te

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 00f0:  63 68 2e 6f 72 61 6e 67 65 00 0d 00 16 00 14 06  ch.orange.......

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0100:  03 06 01 05 03 05 01 04 03 04 01 03 03 03 01 02  ................

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0110:  03 02 01 00 0a 00 18 00 16 00 19 00 1c 00 18 00  ................

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0120:  1b 00 17 00 16 00 1a 00 15 00 14 00 13 00 12 00  ................

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0130:  0b 00 02 01 00 00 16 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 23 00  ..............#.

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0140:  00                                               .

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2124: => flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2143: message length: 321, out_left: 321

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2148: ssl->f_send() returned 321 (-0xfffffebf)

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2176: <= flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2890: <= write record

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2696: <= write handshake message

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1331: <= write client hello

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 4159: client state: 2

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2124: => flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2136: <= flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1816: => parse server hello

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 3922: => read record

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 1904: => fetch input

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2066: in_left: 0, nb_want: 5

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2090: in_left: 0, nb_want: 5

[2020/11/16 14:57:25] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_tls.c 5698: <= handshake

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [error] [upstream] connection #34 to 054es065.fr1.esaas.tech.orange:443 timed out after 10 seconds
[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_tls.c 5688: => handshake

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 4159: client state: 2

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2124: => flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2136: <= flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1816: => parse server hello

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 3922: => read record

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 1904: => fetch input

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2066: in_left: 0, nb_want: 5

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2090: in_left: 0, nb_want: 5

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2091: ssl->f_recv(_timeout)() returned 0 (-0x0000)

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 4590: mbedtls_ssl_fetch_input() returned -29312 (-0x7280)

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 3955: ssl_get_next_record() returned -29312 (-0x7280)

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1821: mbedtls_ssl_read_record() returned -29312 (-0x7280)

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_tls.c 5698: <= handshake

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [error] [io_tls] flb_io_tls.c:359 SSL - The connection indicated an EOF
[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 5815: => write close notify

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 5831: <= write close notify

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_tls.c 6693: => free

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_tls.c 6772: <= free

[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [upstream] connection #34 failed to 054es065.fr1.esaas.tech.orange:443
[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [debug] [retry] new retry created for task_id=0 attempts=1
[2020/11/16 14:57:35] [ warn] [engine] failed to flush chunk '1-1605538644.997730182.flb', retry in 8 seconds: task_id=0, input=audit > output=es.0
[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_tls.c 5688: => handshake

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 4159: client state: 0

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2124: => flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2136: <= flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 4159: client state: 1

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2124: => flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2136: <= flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0872: => write client hello

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0928: client hello, max version: [3:3]

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0788: client hello, current time: 1605538663

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0937: dumping 'client hello, random bytes' (32 bytes)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0937: 0000:  5f b2 93 67 7e 6c 4f 26 64 52 ba f3 25 9b e5 60  _..g~lO&dR..%..`

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0937: 0010:  4b de 9f 86 9c d6 0f e0 18 4f f8 c5 a1 60 97 37  K........O...`.7

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0997: client hello, session id len.: 0

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0998: dumping 'client hello, session id' (0 bytes)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xcca8 (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xcca9 (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xccaa (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc02c (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc030 (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x9f (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0ad (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc09f (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc024 (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc028 (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x6b (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc00a (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc014 (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x39 (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0af (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM-8)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0a3 (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM-8)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc087 (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc08b (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc07d (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc073 (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc077 (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc4 (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x88 (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc02b (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc02f (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x9e (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0ac (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-CCM)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc09e (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CCM)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc023 (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc027 (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x67 (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc009 (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc013 (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x33 (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0ae (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0a2 (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc086 (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc08a (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc07c (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc072 (TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc076 (TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xbe (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x45 (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x9d (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc09d (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x3d (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x35 (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc032 (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc02a (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc00f (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc02e (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc026 (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc005 (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0a1 (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM-8)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc07b (TLS-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0 (TLS-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x84 (TLS-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc08d (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc079 (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc089 (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-GCM-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc075 (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA384)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x9c (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc09c (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CCM)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x3c (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x2f (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc031 (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc029 (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc00e (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc02d (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc025 (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc004 (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc0a0 (TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc07a (TLS-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xba (TLS-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0x41 (TLS-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc08c (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc078 (TLS-ECDH-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc088 (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-GCM-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1065: client hello, add ciphersuite: 0xc074 (TLS-ECDH-ECDSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA256)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1080: client hello, got 79 ciphersuites (excluding SCSVs)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1089: adding EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1143: client hello, compress len.: 1

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1145: client hello, compress alg.: 0

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0107: client hello, adding server name extension: 054es065.fr1.esaas.tech.orange

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0225: client hello, adding signature_algorithms extension

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0318: client hello, adding supported_elliptic_curves extension

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0388: client hello, adding supported_point_formats extension

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0607: client hello, adding encrypt_then_mac extension

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0638: client hello, adding extended_master_secret extension

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 0671: client hello, adding session ticket extension

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1294: client hello, total extension length: 111

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2560: => write handshake message

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2719: => write record

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2837: output record: msgtype = 22, version = [3:1], msglen = 316

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: dumping 'output record sent to network' (321 bytes)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0000:  16 03 01 01 3c 01 00 01 38 03 03 5f b2 93 67 7e  ....<...8.._..g~

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0010:  6c 4f 26 64 52 ba f3 25 9b e5 60 4b de 9f 86 9c  lO&dR..%..`K....

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0020:  d6 0f e0 18 4f f8 c5 a1 60 97 37 00 00 a0 cc a8  ....O...`.7.....

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0030:  cc a9 cc aa c0 2c c0 30 00 9f c0 ad c0 9f c0 24  .....,.0.......$

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0040:  c0 28 00 6b c0 0a c0 14 00 39 c0 af c0 a3 c0 87  .(.k.....9......

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0050:  c0 8b c0 7d c0 73 c0 77 00 c4 00 88 c0 2b c0 2f  ...}.s.w.....+./

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0060:  00 9e c0 ac c0 9e c0 23 c0 27 00 67 c0 09 c0 13  .......#.'.g....

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0070:  00 33 c0 ae c0 a2 c0 86 c0 8a c0 7c c0 72 c0 76  .3.........|.r.v

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0080:  00 be 00 45 00 9d c0 9d 00 3d 00 35 c0 32 c0 2a  ...E.....=.5.2.*

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0090:  c0 0f c0 2e c0 26 c0 05 c0 a1 c0 7b 00 c0 00 84  .....&.....{....

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 00a0:  c0 8d c0 79 c0 89 c0 75 00 9c c0 9c 00 3c 00 2f  ...y...u.....<./

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 00b0:  c0 31 c0 29 c0 0e c0 2d c0 25 c0 04 c0 a0 c0 7a  .1.)...-.%.....z

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 00c0:  00 ba 00 41 c0 8c c0 78 c0 88 c0 74 00 ff 01 00  ...A...x...t....

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 00d0:  00 6f 00 00 00 23 00 21 00 00 1e 30 35 34 65 73  .o...#.!...054es

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 00e0:  30 36 35 2e 66 72 31 2e 65 73 61 61 73 2e 74 65  065.fr1.esaas.te

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 00f0:  63 68 2e 6f 72 61 6e 67 65 00 0d 00 16 00 14 06  ch.orange.......

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0100:  03 06 01 05 03 05 01 04 03 04 01 03 03 03 01 02  ................

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0110:  03 02 01 00 0a 00 18 00 16 00 19 00 1c 00 18 00  ................

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0120:  1b 00 17 00 16 00 1a 00 15 00 14 00 13 00 12 00  ................

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0130:  0b 00 02 01 00 00 16 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 23 00  ..............#.

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2840: 0140:  00                                               .

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2124: => flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2143: message length: 321, out_left: 321

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2148: ssl->f_send() returned 321 (-0xfffffebf)

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2176: <= flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2890: <= write record

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2696: <= write handshake message

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1331: <= write client hello

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 4159: client state: 2

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2124: => flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2136: <= flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1816: => parse server hello

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 3922: => read record

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 1904: => fetch input

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2066: in_left: 0, nb_want: 5

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2090: in_left: 0, nb_want: 5

[2020/11/16 14:57:43] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_tls.c 5698: <= handshake

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [error] [upstream] connection #35 to 054es065.fr1.esaas.tech.orange:443 timed out after 10 seconds
[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_tls.c 5688: => handshake

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 4159: client state: 2

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2124: => flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2136: <= flush output

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1816: => parse server hello

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 3922: => read record

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 1904: => fetch input

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2066: in_left: 0, nb_want: 5

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2090: in_left: 0, nb_want: 5

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 2091: ssl->f_recv(_timeout)() returned 0 (-0x0000)

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 4590: mbedtls_ssl_fetch_input() returned -29312 (-0x7280)

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 3955: ssl_get_next_record() returned -29312 (-0x7280)

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_cli.c 1821: mbedtls_ssl_read_record() returned -29312 (-0x7280)

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_tls.c 5698: <= handshake

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [error] [io_tls] flb_io_tls.c:359 SSL - The connection indicated an EOF
[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 5815: => write close notify

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_msg.c 5831: <= write close notify

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_tls.c 6693: => free

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [io_tls] /lib/mbedtls-2.24.0/library/ssl_tls.c 6772: <= free

[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [upstream] connection #35 failed to 054es065.fr1.esaas.tech.orange:443
[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [task] task_id=0 reached retry-attempts limit 1/1
[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [ warn] [engine] chunk '1-1605538644.997730182.flb' cannot be retried: task_id=0, input=audit > output=es.0
[2020/11/16 14:57:53] [debug] [task] destroy task=0x7fb9ba2525a0 (task_id=0)