fluent / fluent-bit

Fast and Lightweight Logs and Metrics processor for Linux, BSD, OSX and Windows
Apache License 2.0
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kubernetes filter plugin fails silently without attaching metadata #1399

Open qingling128 opened 5 years ago

qingling128 commented 5 years ago

Bug Report

Describe the bug In Kubernetes, we are using a Log Forwarder (one Fluent Bit per node) + Log Aggregator (a few Fluentd instances per cluster) infrastructure to collect logs.

We are seeing the following errors in the Fluentd log:

2019-06-22 21:56:46 +0000 [error]: #4 fluent/log.rb:362:error: unexpected error on reading data host="" port=50828 error_class=NoMethodError error="undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass"
  2019-06-22 21:56:46 +0000 [error]: #4 cool.io/io.rb:186:on_readable: suppressed same stacktrace
2019-06-22 21:56:55 +0000 [warn]: #4 fluent/log.rb:342:warn: emit transaction failed: error_class=NoMethodError error="undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass" location="/opt/google-fluentd/embedded/lib/ru
by/gems/2.4.0/gems/fluent-plugin-record-modifier-2.0.1/lib/fluent/plugin/out_record_modifier.rb:208:in `expand'" tag="k8s_container.var.log.containers.stackdriver-metadata-agent-cluster-level-6dc44559d4-7

After taking a closer look, it seems that the kubernetes filter plugin for Fluent Bit sometimes did not attach additional Kubernetes metadata fields as expected. As a result, record["kubernetes"]["namespace_name"] is not reliable to be present.

Expected behavior If the kubernetes filter plugin fails to query API to get metadata, it should either retry within the plugin, or error out so that the log entry can be put back in the queue and get re-processed again later. Right now, it seems to be failing silently and just passing the log record onto the forward output plugin without attaching the expected metadata.

Versions Fluent Bit v1.1.3 Fluentd v1.4.2 fluent-plugin-record-modifier Plugin v2.0.1 Kubernetes v1.12.7

Fluent Bit Configuration

        # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/input/tail
        Name               tail
        Tag                k8s_container.*
        Path               /var/log/containers/*.log
        Parser             docker
        DB                 /var/log/fluent-bit-k8s-container.db
        Buffer_Chunk_Size  512KB
        Buffer_Max_Size    5M
        Rotate_Wait        30
        Mem_Buf_Limit      30MB
        Skip_Long_Lines    On
        Refresh_Interval   10
        storage.type       filesystem

        # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/filter/kubernetes
        Name                kubernetes
        Match               k8s_container.*
        Kube_URL            https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local:443
        Annotations         Off

        # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/input/forward
        Name        forward
        Match       *
        Host        stackdriver-log-aggregator-in-forward.kube-system.svc.cluster.local
        Port        8989
        Retry_Limit False

Fluentd Configuration

      @type forward
      port 8989

    <match k8s_container.**>
      @type record_modifier
        "logging.googleapis.com/local_resource_id" ${"k8s_container.#{record["kubernetes"]["namespace_name"]}.#{record["kubernetes"]["pod_name"]}.#{record["kubernetes"]["container_name"]}"}
        _dummy_labels_ ${if record['kubernetes'].has_key?('labels') && record['kubernetes']['labels'].is_a?(Hash); then; record["logging.googleapis.com/labels"] = record['kubernetes']['labels'].map{ |k, v| ["k8s-pod/#{k}", v]}.to_h; end; nil}
      tag ${if record['stream'] == 'stderr' then 'stderr' else 'stdout' end}
      remove_keys kubernetes,_dummy_labels_

      workers 10
      root_dir /stackdriver-log-aggregator-persistent-volume

    <match fluent.**>
      @type null

   <match **>
      @type google_cloud
      @id google_cloud

Any suggestion / workaround is welcome as well as long as there is a way for us to force it to retry and make sure the kubernetes metadata is always present.

edsiper commented 5 years ago

agree, it will be implemented.

devopsjonas commented 5 years ago

We had the same issue when migrating to newer fluentbit versions, our kubernetes metadata would completely go away. I've tried both 1.2.0 and 1.1.3 and both of these versions stop producing kubernetes metadata.

So we had to roll back to version fluent/fluent-bit:1.0.6, which still produces the metadata :)

edsiper commented 5 years ago

@devopsjonas I am interested into learn and discover the "why". would you please share your configmap ?

devopsjonas commented 5 years ago
        Flush         1
        Log_Level     info
        Daemon        off
        Parsers_File  parsers.conf
        HTTP_Server   On
        HTTP_Port     2020

        Name              tail
        Tag               kube-container.*
        Path              /var/log/containers/*.log
        Parser            docker
        DB                /var/log/flb_kube.db
        Mem_Buf_Limit     5MB
        Skip_Long_Lines   On
        Refresh_Interval  10

        Name              tail
        Tag               kube-audit.*
        Path              /var/log/kube-api-server/audit
        DB                /var/log/flb_kube_audit.db
        Mem_Buf_Limit     5MB
        Skip_Long_Lines   On
        Refresh_Interval  10

        Name  systemd
        Tag   systemd.*
        DB    /var/log/flb_systemd.db
        Path  /run/log/journal

        Name              tail
        Tag               ceph.*
        Path              /var/log/ceph/*.log
        DB                /var/log/ceph.db

        Name        record_modifier
        Match       kube-container.*
        Remove_key  annotations

        Name                kubernetes
        Match               kube-container.*
        Kube_URL            https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local:443
        Merge_Log           On
        K8S-Logging.Parser  On
        K8S-Logging.Exclude true

        Name            es
        Match           kube-container.*
        Host            ${FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_HOST}
        Port            ${FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_PORT}
        Logstash_Format On
        Retry_Limit     False

        Name            es
        Match           kube-audit.*
        Host            ${FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_HOST}
        Port            ${FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_PORT}
        Logstash_Format On
        Retry_Limit     False
        Format          json

        Name            es
        Match           systemd.*
        Host            ${FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_HOST}
        Port            ${FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_PORT}
        Logstash_Format On
        Retry_Limit     False
        Format          json

        Name            es
        Match           ceph.*
        Host            ${FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_HOST}
        Port            ${FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_PORT}
        Logstash_Format On
        Retry_Limit     False
        Format          json

  parsers.conf: |
        Name   json
        Format json
        Time_Key time
        Time_Format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z

        Name        docker
        Format      json
        Time_Key    time
        Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L
        Time_Keep   On
        # Command      |  Decoder | Field | Optional Action
        # =============|==================|=================
        Decode_Field_As   escaped    log

        Name        syslog
        Format      regex
        Regex       ^\<(?<pri>[0-9]+)\>(?<time>[^ ]* {1,2}[^ ]* [^ ]*) (?<host>[^ ]*) (?<ident>[a-zA-Z0-9_\/\.\-]*)(?:\[(?<pid>[0-9]+)\])?(?:[^\:]*\:)? *(?<message>.*)$
        Time_Key    time
        Time_Format %b %d %H:%M:%S
edsiper commented 5 years ago

In your Kubernetes filter you need to configure Kube_Tag_Prefix, e.g:

Kube_Tag_Prefix      kube-container.var.log.containers.
devopsjonas commented 5 years ago

Adding kube-container.var.log.containers. worked, thank you and sorry for the bother.

I found the release notes https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/installation/upgrade_notes#fluent-bit-v-1-1 which explain this.

Somehow I completely missed it, when I was looking at the changelog :/

edsiper commented 5 years ago

thanks, we are including a link to the upgrade notes on every change log now

edsiper commented 5 years ago


you need to add the Kube_Tag_Prefix to your configmap (kubernetes filter ):

Kube_Tag_Prefix k8s_container.var.log.containers.

ref: https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/installation/upgrade_notes#fluent-bit-v-1-1

qingling128 commented 5 years ago

@edsiper We've adjusted Kube_Tag_Prefix already and still seeing this issue. For the reference our Kube_Tag_Prefix is slightly different from standard. Below is the full config.

The issue we're seeing seem different from what devopsjonas@ saw. We do get metadata for most of the time. The silent failures happen intermittently. And it auto recovers. My hunch is that it's because the Kubernetes Master API might be unreachable intermittently. Instead of buffering the logs and retry later, the current behavior of the plugin is to just skip attaching metadata for those logs. As a result, when customer query for these logs based on the metadata, the logs "appeared" to be missing.

  # Configuration files for service, input, filter, and output plugins.
  # ======================================================
  fluent-bit.conf: |
        # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/service
        Flush         1
        Log_Level     warn
        Daemon        off
        Parsers_File  parsers.conf
        HTTP_Server   On
        HTTP_Port     2020
        # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/configuration/buffering
        storage.path               /var/log/fluent-bit-buffers/
        storage.sync               normal
        storage.checksum           off
        storage.backlog.mem_limit  10M
    @INCLUDE input-containers.conf
    @INCLUDE input-systemd.conf
    @INCLUDE filter-kubernetes.conf
    @INCLUDE output-fluentd.conf
  input-containers.conf: |
        # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/input/tail
        Name               tail
        Tag_Regex          var.log.containers.(?<pod_name>[a-z0-9](?:[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(?:\\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*)_(?<namespace_name>[^_]+)_(?<container_name>.+)-(?<docker_id>[a-z0-9]{64})\.log$
        Tag                k8s_container.<namespace_name>.<pod_name>.<container_name>
        Path               /var/log/containers/*.log
        Parser             docker
        DB                 /var/log/fluent-bit-k8s-container.db
        Buffer_Chunk_Size  512KB
        Buffer_Max_Size    5M
        Rotate_Wait        30
        Mem_Buf_Limit      30MB
        Skip_Long_Lines    On
        Refresh_Interval   10
        storage.type       filesystem
  input-systemd.conf: |
        # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/input/systemd
        Name            systemd
        Tag             container_runtime
        Path            /var/log/journal
        DB              /var/log/fluent-bit-k8s-node-journald-docker.db
        Systemd_Filter  _SYSTEMD_UNIT=docker.service
        storage.type    filesystem
        # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/input/systemd
        Name            systemd
        Tag             kubelet
        Path            /var/log/journal
        DB              /var/log/fluent-bit-k8s-node-journald-kubelet.db
        Systemd_Filter  _SYSTEMD_UNIT=kubelet.service
        storage.type    filesystem
        # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/input/systemd
        Name            systemd
        Tag             node-journal
        Path            /var/log/journal
        DB              /var/log/fluent-bit-k8s-node-journald.db
        storage.type    filesystem
        # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/filter/grep
        Name     grep
        Match    node-journal
        Exclude  _SYSTEMD_UNIT docker\.service|kubelet\.service
    # We have to use a filter per systemd tag, since we can't match on distinct
    # strings, only by using wildcards with a prefix/suffix. We can't prefix
    # these (e.g. with "k8s_node.") since we need to output the records with the
    # distinct tags, and Fluent Bit doesn't yet support modifying the tag (only
    # setting it in the input plugin). We can revise once the feature request
    # (https://github.com/fluent/fluent-bit/issues/293) is fulfilled.
        # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/filter/record_modifier
        Name    record_modifier
        Match   container_runtime
        Record  logging.googleapis.com/local_resource_id k8s_node.${NODE_NAME}
        # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/filter/record_modifier
        Name    record_modifier
        Match   kubelet
        Record  logging.googleapis.com/local_resource_id k8s_node.${NODE_NAME}
        # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/filter/record_modifier
        Name    record_modifier
        Match   node-journal
        Record  logging.googleapis.com/local_resource_id k8s_node.${NODE_NAME}
  filter-kubernetes.conf: |
        # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/filter/kubernetes
        Name                kubernetes
        Match               k8s_container.*
        Kube_URL            https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local:443
        Kube_Tag_Prefix     k8s_container.
        Regex_Parser        k8s-container-custom-tag
        Annotations         Off
  output-fluentd.conf: |
        # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/input/forward
        Name        forward
        Match       *
        Host        stackdriver-log-aggregator-in-forward.kube-system.svc.cluster.local
        Port        8989
        Retry_Limit False
  parsers.conf: |
        # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/parser/json
        Name        docker
        Format      json
        Time_Key    time
        Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L
        Time_Keep   Off
        # Command      |  Decoder | Field | Optional Action
        # =============|==================|=================
        Decode_Field_As   json       log   do_next
        Decode_Field_As   escaped    log
        Name    k8s-container-custom-tag
        Format  regex
        Regex   ^(?<namespace_name>[^_.]+)\.(?<pod_name>[a-z0-9](?:[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(?:\\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*+)\.(?<container_name>[^.]+)$
qingling128 commented 5 years ago

Note that we've implemented a workaround to get rid of the errors we are seeing in https://github.com/fluent/fluent-bit/issues/1399#issue-459523045. Basically it was due to the fact that our Fluentd configuration has a hard dependency on the metadata attached by kubernetes filter plugin. We changed it to depend on the log file path instead, so that it's more reliable and does not cause spam the log.

We still experience missing metadata every now and then, but the impact is less concerning.

[Our new Fluentd config]

  forward.input.conf: |-
      # TODO: Secure this port. Bind to if possible.
      @type forward
      port 8989

    <match k8s_container.**>
      @type record_modifier
        "logging.googleapis.com/local_resource_id" ${tag}
        message ${record['log'].length > 100000 ? "[Trimmed]#{record['log'][0..100000]}..." : record['log']}
        severity ${record['severity'] || if record['stream'] == 'stderr' then 'ERROR' else 'INFO' end}
        _dummy_labels_ ${if record.is_a?(Hash) && record.has_key?('kubernetes') && record['kubernetes'].has_key?('labels') && record['kubernetes']['labels'].is_a?(Hash); then; record["logging.googleapis.com/labels"] = record['kubernetes']['labels'].map{ |k, v| ["k8s-pod/#{k}", v]}.to_h; end; nil}
        _dummy_source_location_ ${if record.is_a?(Hash) && record.has_key?('source') && record['source'].include?(':'); then; source_parts = record['source'].split(':', 2); record['logging.googleapis.com/sourceLocation'] = {'file' => source_parts[0], 'line' => source_parts[1]} else; nil; end}
      tag ${if record['stream'] == 'stderr' then 'stderr' else 'stdout' end}
      remove_keys kubernetes,log,stream,_dummy_labels_,_dummy_source_location_

  google-fluentd.conf: |-
    @include config.d/*.conf
      workers 10
      root_dir /stackdriver-log-aggregator-persistent-volume
    # Each worker binds to `port` + fluent_worker_id.
      @type prometheus
      port 24231
        worker_id ${worker_id}
      @type prometheus_monitor
        worker_id ${worker_id}
      @type prometheus_output_monitor
        worker_id ${worker_id}
    # Do not collect fluentd's own logs to avoid infinite loops.
    <match fluent.**>
      @type null
    <match **>
      @type google_cloud
      @id google_cloud
      # Try to detect JSON formatted log entries.
      detect_json true
      # Collect metrics in Prometheus registry about plugin activity.
      enable_monitoring true
      monitoring_type prometheus
      # Allow log entries from multiple containers to be sent in the same
      # request.
      split_logs_by_tag false
        # Set the buffer type to file to improve the reliability and reduce the
        # memory consumption.
        @type file
        # The max size of each chunks: events will be written into chunks until
        # the size of chunks become this size
        # Set the chunk limit conservatively to avoid exceeding the recommended
        # chunk size of 5MB per write request.
        chunk_limit_size 512k
        # Block processing of input plugin to emit events into that buffer.
        overflow_action block
        # The size limitation of this buffer plugin instance.
        # In total 10 * 10 = 100GB.
        total_limit_size 10GB
        # Never wait more than 5 seconds before flushing logs in the non-error
        # case.
        flush_interval 5s
        # Use multiple threads for flushing chunks.
        flush_thread_count 10
        # How output plugin behaves when its buffer queue is full
        overflow_action drop_oldest_chunk
        # This has to be false in order to let retry_timeout and retry_max_times
        # options take effect.
        retry_forever false
        # Seconds to wait before next retry to flush.
        retry_wait 5s
        # The base number of exponential backoff for retries.
        retry_exponential_backoff_base 5
        # The maximum interval seconds for exponential backoff between retries
        # while failing.
        retry_max_interval 1h
        # The maximum seconds to retry to flush while failing, until plugin
        # discards buffer chunks.
        retry_timeout 24h
        # Wait seconds will become large exponentially per failures.
        retry_type exponential_backoff
      use_grpc true
      project_id "{{.ProjectID}}"
      k8s_cluster_name "{{.ClusterName}}"
      k8s_cluster_location "{{.ClusterLocation}}"
      adjust_invalid_timestamps false
      # Metadata Server is not available in On-Prem world. Skip the check to
      # avoid misleading errors in the log.
      use_metadata_service false
qingling128 commented 5 years ago

Seems like it's still a problem for the following behavior though:

When the kubernetes filter plugin fails to query API to get metadata, it should either retry within the plugin, or error out so that the log entry can be put back in the queue and get re-processed again later. Right now, it seems to be failing silently. As a result, if customers filter by certain pod labels from kubernetes metadata, the logs that do not have the metadata would appear to be "missing".

To solve this problem, we need some retry logic.

qurname2 commented 5 years ago

Hi everyone! I have a similar problem with fluentbit:1.2.*

input-kubernetes.conf: |
        Name              tail 
        Tag                  kube.<namespace_name>. 
        Tag_Regex      ?<pod_name>[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*)_(?<namespace_name>[^_]+)_(?<container_name>.+)-(?<docker_id>[a-z0-9]{64})\.log$
        Path                 /var/log/containers/frontend-*.log
        Parser              docker
        DB                    /var/log/fluentbit/flb_kube.db
        DB.Sync          Full
        Mem_Buf_Limit     5MB
        Skip_Long_Lines   On
        Refresh_Interval    60
        storage.type          filesystem
filter-kubernetes.conf: |
        Name                kubernetes
        Match               kube.*
        Kube_URL            https://kubernetes.default.svc:443
        Kube_CA_File        /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
        Kube_Token_File     /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
        Merge_Log           On
        Merge_Log_Trim      On
        Regex_Parser        kube-custom
        tls.verify          Off
output-myappname.conf: |
        Name           kafka
        Format         json
        Match          kube.frontend-<myappname>.*
        Brokers        broker1:10091, broker2:10091, broker3:10091
        Topics         myappname_topic
        Timestamp_Key  timestamp_kafka
         Another config for kafka

parsers.conf: |
        Name    kube-custom
        Format  regex
        Regex   ^kube\.(?<tag_namespace>[a-z-]+)\.(?<pod_name>[a-z0-9](?:[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(?:\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*)_(?<namespace_name>[^_]+)_(?<container_name>.+)-(?<docker_id>[a-z0-9]{64})\.log$

And, after apply this configuration I not see smth metadata in my topic with logs. Could someone tell me, where I am mistaken or it is a bug in fluentbit? Moreover, I create routing between kafka topics (for each application dedicated topic, with help adding one more output.conf) and all work perfectly, but, without metadata

arodriguezdlc commented 4 years ago

We are having exactly same issue than @qingling128. Have some type or retry logic would be awesome for us.

edsiper commented 4 years ago

what would be the expected behavior if the API server is not reachable for a long period ? note that this will generate backpressure since pod logs will still come in and we need to have this data "somewhere", either memory or the file system, I see more complexity will be added...

ideas are welcome

qingling128 commented 4 years ago


Yeah, it's a pretty tricky problem. I think there are two potential areas for improvements.

# Log warnings/errors Failures are inevitable from time to time. The silence (aka no logs in Fluent Bit that indicates something went wrong) is what caused confusion for customers and made it hard to debug. Because today some customers rely on these metadata to query log entries. When metadata is absent, the logs appeared to be missing for them. If there are Fluent Bit warning/error logs that indicate metadata is not attached successfully during certain time period (e.g. a server side outage), customers can at least proactively adjust their query filter for that time period.

# Retries Retrying forever would be problematic during a long-time server side outage. One thought is to retry with backoff but limit the maximum retry times (similar to https://docs.fluentd.org/configuration/buffer-section#retries-parameters).

The failures we saw so far that's worth retrying were mainly due to two reasons (the API should return different response codes):

1. Kubernetes master API downtime The intermittent Kubernetes master API downtime we see today normally don't last long. Yet Kubernetes master API downtime is expected to happen. During events like cluster upgrades, it can be down for minutes. Customer who follow best practice can potentially reach zero master downtime. In that case, when one master goes away, if we reconnect, it should always be able to connect to one available master.

2. Newly created pods don't have metadata available yet This is relatively rare compared to the other cause. If we retry after a few seconds, the metadata should normally be available.

Side notes: It's possible that under different use cases the importance of having kurerentes metadata attached is different. Some customers might want their logs to arrive without metadata if their workload does not rely on metadata. Some customers might prefer their logs to arrive with metadata even if the logs will be delayed. Some customization (either at Fluent Bit level or at pod annotation level) can be very useful.

arodriguezdlc commented 4 years ago

Also, I think there's another bug. When kubernetes filter can't get data from kubernetes apiserver, the field kubernetes is completely empty, although some metadata can be obtained from record's tag. At least that information (like pod_name, namespace_name, etc.) should be included if query against apiserver fails.

edsiper commented 4 years ago

@arodriguezdlc are you using the latest v1.3.5 ?

arodriguezdlc commented 4 years ago

@arodriguezdlc are you using the latest v1.3.5 ?


khacminh commented 3 years ago

Running with aws-for-fluent-bit v2.10.0 (fluent Bit 1.6.8) and the issue still there.

matthewfala commented 2 years ago

I have one potential workaround for retrying the metadata once if a metadata request fails:

# Kubernetes filter
    # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/filter/kubernetes
    Name                kubernetes
    Match               k8s_container.*
    Kube_URL            https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local:443
    Annotations         Off

# Begin kubernetes filter retry logic
# Lift the kubernetes namespace_name to root log level
    Name nest
    Match k8s_container.*
    Operation lift
    Nested_under kubernetes
    Add_prefix kubernetes.

# Add kubernetes key if it does not exist
    Name modify
    Match k8s_container.*
    Add kubernetes.namespace_name unique_random_xifaoithxlijtrhelijhst

# Retry all filters iff kubernetes.namespace_name does not exist
    Name          rewrite_tag
    Match         k8s_container.*
    Rule          $kubernetes.namespace_name ^(unique_random_xifaoithxlijtrhelijhst)$  $TAG false
    Emitter_Name  re_emitted

# Remove lifted kubernetes key
    Name modify
    Match k8s_container.*
    Remove_wildcard kubernetes.

The rewrite tag is usually used for rewriting the name of a tag based on certain conditions. https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/pipeline/filters/rewrite-tag

It has a side effect that may be beneficial for our specific case: all filters that are applied before the rewrite tag are retried.

I haven't tried the above config yet, but I think it may give a general outline of what might be needed to configure kubernetes retry without any code changes.

If you try the above and find that it works, let me know. Adjustments are most likely going to be needed. Please post a revised version of the retry config logic if you have it. This solution assumes: [FILTER] nest with operation lift will not trigger an error if the nest field does not exist.

qudongfang commented 2 years ago

It turns out to me that the default(32K) Buffer_Size is the root cause, and we decided to set it to 0 since we have resource limits on the fluentbit pod.

Here is a example log from fluentbit:

[2022/05/31 16:10:40] [ warn] [http_client] cannot increase buffer: current=32000 requested=64768 max=32000

It would be great if the kubernetes plugin could have some error log instead of a warning.

f-ld commented 2 years ago

Because I came here looking around on how to solve my issue, let me put some more info here on possible reason to not have metadata. First the doc of k8s filter says about the buffer size:

Set the buffer size for HTTP client when reading responses from Kubernetes API server. The value must be according to the Unit Size specification. A value of 0 results in no limit, and the buffer will expand as-needed. Note that if pod specifications exceed the buffer limit, the API response will be discarded when retrieving metadata, and some kubernetes metadata will fail to be injected to the logs.

The default size is 32k. So if you pod (think the yaml of your pod) is more than 32k, you will not have metadata for that pod. To change it, for example to 48k via helm chart, add this to the values.yaml:

    Buffer_Size   48k

Or if you are running an older version of the chart:

  filter: |-
    Buffer_Size   48k
c-neto commented 11 months ago

For exploratory purposes... perhaps for assistance...

If you don't require additional metadata enriched from the Kubernetes API Server in your log events, you can remove the Kubernetes filter and get the metadata embedded in the log file name of your container's pod with regex.

The provided Fluent Bit configurations below will generate events with this format:

  "date": 1704428569.177147,
  "pod_name": "my-app-687f7d8bb5-vpz9q",
  "namespace_name": "default",
  "container_name": "my-container",
  "log_file_path": "/var/log/containers/my-app-687f7d8bb5-vpz9q_default_my-container-c43c40ba9d128336cd01efd3d7430ccaee92ad5c2053bff0129473997dde2d39.log",
  "log": "2024-01-05T04:22:49.17707094Z stdout F - - [05/Jan/2024:04:22:49 +0000] \"GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1\" 200 769 \"\" \"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0\"",
  "hostname": "release-name-fluent-bit-6jscz"

    Name kubernetes_container_logs_metadata
    Format regex
    Regex (?<pod_name>[a-z0-9](?:[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(?:\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*)_(?<namespace_name>[^_]+)_(?<container_name>.+)-(?<docker_id>[a-z0-9]{64})\.log$

This regex is identical to the one utilized by the Kubernetes Filter. More details:

    Daemon          Off
    Flush           1
    Log_Level       info
    Parsers_File    /fluent-bit/etc/parsers.conf
    Parsers_File    /fluent-bit/etc/conf/custom_parsers.conf
    HTTP_Server     On
    HTTP_Port       2020
    Health_Check    On

    Name            tail
    Path            /var/log/containers/my*.log
    Tag             kube.*
    Mem_Buf_Limit   5MB
    Skip_Long_Lines On
    Path_Key        log_file_path

    Name            parser
    Match           *
    Key_Name        log_file_path
    Parser          kubernetes_container_logs_metadata
    Preserve_Key    On
    Reserve_Data    On

    Name            record_modifier
    Match           kube.*
    Record          hostname ${HOSTNAME}
    Whitelist_key   hostname
    Whitelist_key   pod_name
    Whitelist_key   namespace_name
    Whitelist_key   container_name
    Whitelist_key   time
    Whitelist_key   log
    Whitelist_key   log_file_path

    Name            stdout
    Match           *
    Format          json_lines
SilentEntity commented 6 months ago

REF: https://observhq.vercel.app/blog/fluentbit/fluentbit-k8s-plugin-configs