fluent / fluent-bit

Fast and Lightweight Logs and Metrics processor for Linux, BSD, OSX and Windows
Apache License 2.0
5.73k stars 1.56k forks source link

CRI parser outputs empty log lines #6703

Closed Ahmad-Faizan closed 1 year ago

Ahmad-Faizan commented 1 year ago

Bug Report

Describe the bug

We are running Fluent bit on k8s and using the tail input plugin to stream CRI formatted logs to Graylog. While parsing stack trace on some pods, Fluent bit is also picking up the empty log lines that are a part of the stack trace.

To Reproduce

Expected behavior

The empty line should be discarded automatically by the cri parser as the Skip_Empty_Lines is enabled for tail input plugin.

Your Environment

* Environment name and version (e.g. Kubernetes? What version?): Kubernetes v1.24.6
* Server type and version:
* Operating System and version: Linux, Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
* OS Kernel version: 5.4.0-1094-azure
* Container Runtime version: containerd://1.6.4+azure-4
* Filters and plugins: Tail input plugin, Kubernetes filter, Nest filter, Modify filter, Gelf Output plugin

**Additional context**
How has this issue affected you? What are you trying to accomplish?
We are trying to stream pod logs generated on kubernetes clusters to graylog. We have deployed fluent-bit as a daemonset to read the logs from the tail input plugin.
We suspect that issue #4284 is still active on v2.0.8 of fluent bit
<!--- Providing context helps us come up with a solution that is most useful in the real world -->
Ahmad-Faizan commented 1 year ago

I figured out how to solve this.

    Name                        modify
    Match                       *
    Condition Key_value_equals log 
    Set log blank_line

Adding this converts the short_message: "" to short_message: "blank_line". This stops Graylog from complaining with this error

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: GELF message <cb1a8e64-9687-11ed-8322-dedfe62fb78b> (received from <>) has empty mandatory "short_message" field.
cesium147 commented 10 months ago

Last version 2.2.0 still have this bug


    Name                  tail
    Path                  /test/test.log
    Tag                   kube.*
    multiline.parser      cri

    name                  multiline
    match                 kube.*
    multiline.key_content log
    multiline.parser      cri, go, python, java, ruby

    name                  stdout
    match                 *


2023-11-16T14:09:16.533247217+03:00 stderr F Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dsun.misc.URLClassPath.disableJarChecking=true -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/app/cacerts
2023-11-16T14:09:20.808806147+03:00 stdout F
2023-11-16T14:09:20.808897216+03:00 stdout F   .   ____          _            __ _ _
2023-11-16T14:09:20.808904689+03:00 stdout F  /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
2023-11-16T14:09:20.80891196+03:00 stdout F ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
2023-11-16T14:09:20.808914891+03:00 stdout F  \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
2023-11-16T14:09:20.808917373+03:00 stdout F   '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
2023-11-16T14:09:20.80891976+03:00 stdout F  =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/
2023-11-16T14:09:20.810208508+03:00 stdout F  :: Spring Boot ::               (v2.7.10)
2023-11-16T14:09:20.81022331+03:00 stdout F
2023-11-16T14:09:21.088298029+03:00 stdout F 2023-11-16T14:09:21.080[INFO][background-preinit][][][][o.h.v.internal.util.Version]: HV000001: Hibernate Validator 6.2.5.Final


Fluent Bit v2.2.0                                                                                                                                                                                     
* Copyright (C) 2015-2023 The Fluent Bit Authors                                                                                                                                                      
* Fluent Bit is a CNCF sub-project under the umbrella of Fluentd                                                                                                                                      
* https://fluentbit.io                                                                                                                                                                                

[2023/11/20 15:49:09] [ info] [fluent bit] version=2.2.0, commit=db8487d123, pid=1
[2023/11/20 15:49:09] [ info] [storage] ver=1.5.1, type=memory, sync=normal, checksum=off, max_chunks_up=128
[2023/11/20 15:49:09] [ info] [cmetrics] version=0.6.4
[2023/11/20 15:49:09] [ info] [ctraces ] version=0.3.1
[2023/11/20 15:49:09] [ info] [input:tail:tail.0] initializing
[2023/11/20 15:49:09] [ info] [input:tail:tail.0] storage_strategy='memory' (memory only) 
[2023/11/20 15:49:09] [ info] [input:tail:tail.0] multiline core started
[2023/11/20 15:49:09] [ info] [filter:multiline:multiline.0] created emitter: emitter_for_multiline.0 
[2023/11/20 15:49:09] [ info] [input:emitter:emitter_for_multiline.0] initializing
[2023/11/20 15:49:09] [ info] [input:emitter:emitter_for_multiline.0] storage_strategy='memory' (memory only) 
[2023/11/20 15:49:09] [ info] [sp] stream processor started 
[2023/11/20 15:49:09] [ info] [output:stdout:stdout.0] worker #0 started
[2023/11/20 15:49:09] [ info] [filter:multiline:multiline.0] created new multiline stream for tail.0_kube.test.test.log
[2023/11/20 15:49:09] [ info] [input:tail:tail.0] inotify_fs_add(): inode=1062495 watch_fd=1 name=/test/test.log 
[0] kube.test.test.log: [[1700132956.533247217, {}], {"time"=>"2023-11-16T14:09:16.533247217+03:00", "stream"=>"stderr", "_p"=>"F", "log"=>"Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dsun.misc.URLClassPath.disableJarChecking=true -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/app/cacerts"}]
[1] kube.test.test.log: [[1700495349.528238622, {}], {"log"=>"2023-11-16T14:09:20.808806147+03:00 stdout F"}]
[2] kube.test.test.log: [[1700132960.808897216, {}], {"time"=>"2023-11-16T14:09:20.808897216+03:00", "stream"=>"stdout", "_p"=>"F", "log"=>". _______ _ _"}] 
[3] kube.test.test.log: [[1700132960.808904689, {}], {"time"=>"2023-11-16T14:09:20.808904689+03:00", "stream"=>"stdout", "_p"=>"F", "log"=>" /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ ____ _ \ \ \ \"}]
[4] kube.test.test.log: [[1700132960.808911960, {}], {"time"=>"2023-11-16T14:09:20.80891196+03:00", "stream"=>"stdout", "_p"=>"F", "log"=>"( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \"}]
[5] kube.test.test.log: [[1700132960.808914891, {}], {"time"=>"2023-11-16T14:09:20.808914891+03:00", "stream"=>"stdout", "_p"=>"F", "log"=>" \\/___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |) ) ) )"}]
[6] kube.test.test.log: [[1700132960.808917373, {}], {"time"=>"2023-11-16T14:09:20.808917373+03:00", "stream"=>"stdout", "_p"=>"F", "log"=>"'|____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /"}] 
[7] kube.test.test.log: [[1700132960.808919760, {}], {"time"=>"2023-11-16T14:09:20.80891976+03:00", "stream"=>"stdout", "_p"=>"F", "log"=>" =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/"}] 
[8] kube.test.test.log: [[1700132960.810208508, {}], {"time"=>"2023-11-16T14:09:20.810208508+03:00", "stream"=>"stdout", "_p"=>"F", "log"=>" :: Spring Boot :: (v2.7.10)"}]
[9] kube.test.test.log: [[1700495349.528324943, {}], {"log"=>"2023-11-16T14:09:20.81022331+03:00 stdout F"}] 
[10] kube.test.test.log: [[1700132961.088298029, {}], {"time"=>"2023-11-16T14:09:21.088298029+03:00", "stream"=>"stdout", "_p"=>"F", "log"=>"2023-11-16T14:09:21.080[INFO][background-preinit][][][][o.h.v.internal.util.Version]: HV000001: Hibernate Validator 6.2.5.Final"}]                                                                             

Result line 1 and 9 is incorrect parsed.