fluent / fluent-plugin-grok-parser

Fluentd's Grok parser
107 stars 31 forks source link

More licensing issues #2

Closed jordansissel closed 9 years ago

jordansissel commented 9 years ago

I had a glance at https://github.com/kiyoto/fluent-plugin-grok-parser/blob/master/lib/fluent/plugin/parser_grok.rb and much of it is very clearly a derivative of the ruby grok implementation, but the license on your project claims copyright on code that is copied directly and in other cases are pretty obvious derivative work of the jls-grok rubygem (jordansissel/ruby-grok).

Licensing and authorship in open source is a very important thing, and plagiarism must be avoided if communities are to work together.

Please do not claim copyright on that which you do not own.

kiyoto commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. First, I am sorry for my mistakes. Second, here are the steps I have taken to rectify the situation > df0c90b09c1ec53897a92d211f668d5500e8c239

jordansissel commented 9 years ago

That license update only mentions the patterns, not the code that is copied or derived from the ruby-grok library itself. For some examples, many of the methods in this fluentd plugin are quite similar to the ruby-grok implementations (method names, instance variable names, implementations) , and the PATTERN_RE is copied almost exactly from ruby-grok without attribution.

kiyoto commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the further feedback. I updated the language to clarify that. 931989180e82e Also, parser_grok.rb has a comment that says much of its implementation is based on your code.

jordansissel commented 9 years ago

Thanks much :)