fluent / fluent-plugin-kafka

Kafka input and output plugin for Fluentd
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remove message key #84

Closed ahsandar closed 7 years ago

ahsandar commented 7 years ago

in out kakfa_buffered can the message key be removed so raw data is captured instead of {"message": [json]} we just get [json]

repeatedly commented 7 years ago

You can use output_data_type single_value

ahsandar commented 7 years ago


ahsandar commented 7 years ago

output_data_type single_value doesn't seem to do the trick, any chance it is format single_value

repeatedly commented 7 years ago

What does "output_data_type single_value doesn't seem to do the trick" mean? You can't get "[json]" by output_data_type single_value?

ahsandar commented 7 years ago

still getting {"message":" [json]} with output_data_type single_value, message key seems to be there for messages sent to kafka

ahsandar commented 7 years ago
output_data_type single_value
output_include_tag false

passing output_include_tag false explicitly along output_data_type single_value did the trick